China Confidential
Monday, September 29, 2008
America's First Multinational Presidential Candidate
Meet Barack Hussein Obama, America's firstmultinational Presidential candidate....
He was born in Hawaii (maybe) and reared in Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim nation, where he was introduced to Islam and native superstitions and customs--including eating dog.
He was born a Muslim, according to islamic religious law, which traces religious identity through the father.
His father, a non-practicing Muslim, was an Arab-African from Kenya, whose left-leaning government he sharply criticized for not being sufficiently socialist.
His stepfather was a practicing Muslim, who registered his stepson at an Indonesian elementary school as a Muslim citizen of Indonesia.
As a student at Columbia University, his off-campus roommate was a Pakistani visa over-stayer who accompanied him to Pakistan and a predominantly Muslim city in India.
He was a citizen of Kenya, and probably used a Kenyan passport to enter and exit Pakistan and India.
He may still be a citizen of Indonesia, a hotbed of Muslim separatism and Islamist terrorism.
He responded to 9/11 by urging the US to restrain itself, militarily, and warning against "rounding up Arabs."
He personally profited and was politically and financially supported by an Arab-American crook, recently convicted and jailed.
He was spiritually advised for two decades by an anti-American, anti-Israel, anti-Semitic, anti-white, Black Liberation Theology minister who blamed--and damned--the US for 9/11 only five days after the Islamist attacks, and subsequently published and distributed Hamas propaganda.
He was probably sponsored and supported during his Harvard Law School years by a notorious anti-American, anti-Israel, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, anti-white, black Muslim adviser to a fabulously wealthy Saudi prince.
His cousin, Kenya's Prime Minister and opposition leader, is allied with Islamists seeking to impose Islamic religious law on parts of the African country.
The world's Muslim masses and their tyrants and terrorists--Ahmadinejad, Khadafy, Hamas, Hezbollah--are all rooting for him to conquer the White House.
What was the Democratic Party thinking?The Bottom Line on the Big Bailout
The bottom line on the Big Bailout: America avoided a depression; but the recession will last at least another year and may even deepen.
What is to be done? Some suggestions:
1. Create incentives--such as tax credits--to invest in housing. It is still too high; the financial firms are afraid of losing billions more; but investment in housing will stimulate the economy and help ordinary people.
2. Create incentives to invest in real energy, as opposed to fake--i.e. alternative or so-called renewable or green--energy. Real energy includes: conventional and heavy oil, including enhanced recovery of conventional crude and construction of new oil refineries; natural gas, including construction of new pipelines; coal, including coal liquefaction and gasification; shale oil; and nuclear power.
3. If existing energy companies won't invest in real energy, create a national oil company to develop domestic resources--like every other nation on earth that is blessed with energy resources.
4. Muzzle or ignore Al Gore, whose manmade global warming hoax and hysteria threaten to cripple or kill the country.
5. Create incentives to invest in infrastructure, including rural broadband and fast trains. Flying from New York to Chicago is absurd. Call centers in India and Bangladesh are absurd.Sunday, September 28, 2008
Is Khamenei Still Supreme?
Foreign Confidential....
Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei may no longer be so supreme.
The turbaned tyrant is losing power to the mullahocracy's maniac-in-chief, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and the Revolutionary Guards.
In fact, if the trend continues, Iran will be a mullahocracy in name only. Instead of a clerical fascist country, it will simply be fascist--with clerical backing.
So say a growing number of analysts, including some who have followed developments in Iran since the 1979 Islamic overthrow of the pro-American Shah, a modernizing monarch.
From a Western perspective, the suspected power shift is ominous. The Revolutionary Guards are even more militant than most of the mullahs--and more adventurous in terms of foreign policy. They are bent on developing nuclear weapons--and intercontinental ballistic missiles--with the aim of destroying Israel and driving the United States from the Middle East. Some members of Ahmadinejad's inner circle actually believe that Iran can destroy the US, too, with a nuclear electromagnetic pulse attack.Guest Editorial: Obama's Radicalism
It is incomprehensible that anyone would entrust the education of children to an admitted -- and unapologetic -- domestic terrorist. Yet Sen. Barack Obama has done just that.
From 1995 to 2001, the Democrats' presidential nominee was an integral part of the radical leftist Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC) education foundation, formed by William Ayers, a founder of the violent Weather Underground gang.
It's the same Mr. Ayers who (along with his followers) bombed the Pentagon and never expressed remorse about his wickedness.
And it's the same Ayers in whose home Barack Obama launched his political career in 1995.
Hand in glove, Obama and Ayers schemed to hand over more than $100 million to community organizers and radical education activists, writes Stanley Kurtz, a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center.
After the CAC evaluated its own efforts, it admitted there was no evidence that its grants furthered educational improvement.
In trying to downplay his incestuous connection to the bomber, Obama claims that Ayers only is "a guy who lives in my neighborhood" and "not somebody who I exchange ideas with on a regular basis."
But there are damning documents about CAC stored at the University of Illinois at Chicago that refute Obama's characterization.
The more the public learns about Barack Obama's long and deep ties to Bill the Bomber, Nation of Islam boss and notorious anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan, bizarre billionaire George Soros, race-baiter Rev. Al Sharpton -- and that Obama is a devoted disciple of radical leftist Saul Alinsky's "in-your-face" confrontational political tactics -- the more the public learns about Barack Obama.
As far as Obama and Ayers go, says Mr. Kurtz, it's not the "guilt by association" that Obama's campaign is complaining about but "guilt by participation." Indeed, it's time for Americans to judge Barack Obama not by his words but by his
Monday, 29 September 2008
Dateline USA....
The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review:
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Britannia Radio