Obama not qualified for presidency lawsuit, Philip J Berg, EXPEDITED DISCOVERY, September 10, 2008, SEEKS DEPOSITION OF BARACK OBAMA AND HOWARD DEAN BY END OF MONTH, Jeff Schreiber explains
September 10, 2008 · 20 Comments
We received the following from Philip J Berg last night and posted it this morning:
“Hi Mr. Wells,
If Senator Obama is unable to prove his citizenship, which we feel he is unable to do, he will not be able to serve as president. In a case such as this, if this is learned before the presidential election, then according to the National Chairperson of the Democratic National Committe will confer with the Democratic leadership of the United States Congress and the Democratic Governors Association, whom will report to the Democratic National Committee which is authorized to fill the vacancy, the names of the candidate picks.
If Senator Obama were to be elected as President, he would be removed and the Vice President would take the President’s position.
If Senator Obama is indicted prior to taking his oath, I believe, and of course this would be a first, but I believe it would still go to Biden.
Just to update you a bit, I just filed a Motion for Expedited Discovery, Extensive Discovery, Deposition of Senator Obama and Howard Dean, Chairman of the DNC. This may get things moving a bit.
In addition, Senator Obama and the DNC must have their Answer to the complaint filed by September 24, 2008. The FEC has until October 21, 2008.
Make sure to check for updates on our website at obamacrimes.com“
Jeff Schreiber, describes himself as:
“Legal writer by day, exhausted law student by night. Lucky husband and proud father throughout.”
Jeff Schreiber has explained the Motion For Expedited Discovery and Deposition Of Barack Obama on his website. Here are some exerpts from Jeff Schreiber’s explanation:
“At 8:55 this evening, and as promised weeks ago, Philip Berg filed a Motion for Extensive and Expedited Discovery in the Philadelphia federal court where, a little more than two weeks ago, he filed suit contesting Illinois Sen. Barack Obama’s constitutional eligibility for the presidency.
Per this evening’s motion, Berg is seeking results on two fronts: First, that Sen. Obama and DNC Chair Howard Dean sit for depositions at the courthouse in Philadelphia running no less than three hours in length and presided over by a court-appointed Special Master; and second, that the defendants–Obama, the DNC and the Federal Election Commission–turn over documentation connected with the vetting process and the background of the Democratic Party nominee. Upon receiving confirmation that Obama and the DNC have been served with the motion–the U.S. Attorney’s office has entered appearance on behalf of the FEC–Berg plans to petition the Hon. R. Barclay Surrick for an immediate telephone conference on the need for the discovery process to begin and move along as quickly as possible.”
“Listen, more and more I believe we’re correct on this, and if we are then Obama cannot be president, and the United States of America will be headed toward a constitutional crisis.”
Berg is asking for a court order that Barack Obama and Howard Dean each submit to a deposition at the Federal Courthouse in Philadelphia, a “neutral location,” and that the depositions (1) must be no less than three hours in length, (2) must be presided over by a court-appointed Special Master, and (3) must be undertaken by September 31, 2008.”
If Berg’s Motion for Extensive and Expedited Discovery, filed today, were granted, Barack Obama would be ordered to turn over the following items within ten days of the order:
A “Genuine Certified Copy” of his “vault version” of his Birth Certificate.
Any and all certificates or other registrations of birth from Canada, Kenya, the British Isles and the United States in the name of Barack Hussein Obama, Barry Soetoro, and others.
A “Certified Copy” of the U.S. Oath of Allegiance required to be taken in order to regain any U.S. Citizenship status.
Any and all passport records including applications and travel logs connected with passports issued to Obama–or any previously used names–in Indonesia, Kenya, the United States and more.
Any and all adoption records, including records detailing the adoption of Obama by his presumed Indonesian stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, as well as his grandparents, the Dunhams.
A copy of his FBI background check used in the vetting process.
A copy of the “vault” version of his Birth Certificate from Kenya.
Any and all applications for a social security number and replacement social security cards.
Any and all applications and court documents detailing a name change.
Within 20 days of the court order, should the motion be granted, Berg is also seeking other records which would provide a window into Barack Obama’s past, including but not limited to college applications and records from Occidental College, Harvard and Harvard Law School, Columbia University, the University of Chicago and any other schools to which Obama applied, as well as any applications for college grants and loans, copies of any college thesis papers or other essays written which could shed light on his life, background, heritage and childhood.
The request for these items, as well as requests for Obama’s baptismal records, listings of memberships to all clubs and organizations, copies of his Selective Service Registration and any Harvard Law Review articles he penned, made me wonder if Berg was seizing an opportunity to use discovery–should the civil action go so far–to really fill in some gaps in Obama’s background. Surely, I wasn’t the only one who questioned why no long-term acquaintances other than his wife, Michelle, has ever come forth to talk about Barack, tell stories about Barack, praise Barack or even criticize Barack like we see with so many other political candidates.”
I strongly urge you to visit Jeff Schreiber’s site:
I received the following comment on this blog this morning:
“A friend just told me that her middle school aged son is using this info on a paper for a school project. Some high school newspaper is likely to break this story before the MSM!!”
This story has been ignored by the MSM. However, many Americans are getting this story and the truth about Obama from this blog and others on the internet. I am in contact with a major talk show host regarding this story. This host has begun researching it. The MSM will continue to look biased and foolish for failing the American public.
If you want change and not Obama, visit:
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Tagged: 2008, EXPEDITED DISCOVERY, Jeff Schreiber explains, Obama not qualified for presidency lawsuit, PHILIP J. BERG, SEEKS DEPOSITION OF BARACK OBAMA AND HOWARD DEAN BY END, September 10
val sommerviile // September 10, 2008 at 5:43 pm
venice // September 10, 2008 at 6:30 pm
There isn’t enough time or space to address the problems of the Dems this election, but the majority aren’t buying it.
The Dems are imploding. They just haven’t noticed yet. The comments on pollster blogs by BO’s camp are a hoot … this must be an outlier!…
Gallup sucks, they never get it right… BO is revered by the rest of the world, so it must be Americans….I can’t stand Hillary, but he should have picked her…. seriously folks, this is the tenor of their responses.
misstickly // September 10, 2008 at 6:59 pm
I have the impression that Berg was thinking, the greater the number of documents, etc.. the more that he will have to exlain away or forge. He anticipated Obama would get a month before the courts would requre it. I think that’s why every theory was included in the lawsuit.
val sommerviile // September 10, 2008 at 7:24 pm
YOU must understand that because the primary election was filled with holes of deciet. The blogs are full of the messages about Democrats because it is imperative that every democrat becomes fully educated. YOU must blame theMedia for putting us in the position we are in because of their failure to properly vet the men and women running for President. We learned that Obama is not the man he claims to be. We cannot just vote for a Party because we were or are a member. We must vote for the Best Man or Woman who will not put our USA in more danger than we are. Hillary or no Hillary BO IS A NO.
mrje // September 10, 2008 at 7:35 pm
Rush Limbaugh
October Surprise?
Rush said something a couple of days ago, and I am not sure why (because I didn’t hear the entire broadcast).
He said that “all of a sudden” it may be that BIDEN decides he cannot be Vice President… perhaps there would be a family issue… or maybe a health issue…. he would STEP DOWN… and Hil would STEP IN…
I can’t remember the context in which he (Rush) made these statements.
I am thinking it may be, that all the while we are thinking that it would be the Republican’s to produce the “October Surprise”,
that instead, there may be a Democrat “October Surprise”.
IF this Berg lawsuit becomes newsworthy to msm and others, and
IF in general, there is consensus that this news is real… or cannot be misproven…
That, BO could be pushed OUT of this election (or at least his Campaign perceives this could happen), THEN,
Mayhaps, they would bring Hil BACK to take his place OR Biden’s place, so that SHE could resume the competition.
I thought of this today because I heard some folks at FOX asking “Where is Biden in all this?” (comments about lipstick)
Hmmmmm ?
citizenwells // September 10, 2008 at 7:38 pm
I had a very similar conversation in the past hour.
venice // September 10, 2008 at 8:31 pm
Biden on the trail has lauded Hillary Clinton as not only the superior VP choice, but the most qualified for the presidency. Many possible motives here.
Al // September 10, 2008 at 9:00 pm
Bravo to Mr. Berg for his brave, spirited and honorable efforts, and thanks to Mr. Wells for maintaining a close watch on any breaking developments pertaining to this case.
Fozzie // September 10, 2008 at 11:10 pm
I found it curious that the Los Angeles Times ran this story today:http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-dualcitizen11-2008sep11,0,1978821.story
Are they preparing us to be more accepting of dual citizenship?
Leeballz // September 11, 2008 at 12:25 am
I told a friend of mine a long time ago, though I thought it would happen at the convention, that Obama would never make it to the Primary. That somehow, some way he would get thrown off the ticket. I was certain that Hillary would be his replacement. However, in my scenario, it was not an advantage for the Dems, but their undoing. I see no way that it would benefit them. I would think it would show their lack of leadership and fracture their party irreparably.
jackson // September 11, 2008 at 1:53 am
Hey Berg - Why are you harassing Obama? So you think Palin is more qualified than Obama to be president? Because McCain is senile and likely won’t live long if he gets in there. So you are helping to give us someone worse than Bush - Palin.
xbjllb // September 11, 2008 at 5:27 am
Whether Biden steps down or not, Hillary is the ONLY candidate the DNC can pick to take Obama’s place, because she decimated Biden in the primaries and holds far more VIABLE delegate votes.
Not to mention she is the only candidate that all polls showed could beat any GOP candidate FROM DAY ONE before Obama entered the race, every single day of the race, and yes, even today she is the only candidate AHEAD of McCain in the polls.
Limbaugh is either prescient (highly doubtful) or he is in contact with GOP who have VERY highly placed spies or BUGS in the DNC hierarchy.
McLaughlin ALSO predicted that Hillary would win the DNC nomination and go on to win the Presidency, and hasn’t backed off from that prediction yet.
IF the DNC planned this from the beginning, it is not only the greatest political feint and gamble of all time, it also makes Rove and the selection of Palin look like the desperate attempts of third graders in comparison.
Can the DNC possibly be that devious?
God, I hope so.
Bill // September 11, 2008 at 5:59 am
Obama shut down one of Larry Sinclair’s web sites again! Larry is back up on another one! What a coward Obama is! He can’t handle the truth! If Larry wasn’t telling the truth, Obama would be taking this head on, right out in the open, but NO, so he definitely has something to hide! Also, Philip J. Berg’s case will soon find Obama ineligible to be President! Then it will all be over for this coward! Biden will fade out and Hillary will fade very much IN!
mrje // September 11, 2008 at 7:52 am
yesterday, on the campaign trail, Biden praised Hil to the point of saying something VERY similar to
..maybe she should be here instead of me..
I think they’re going to wiggle her in there.
what a mess.
Straw Dawg // September 11, 2008 at 7:57 am
I don’t know what will happen but something is going to. Mr Berg has done such a valueable service to this country I appaud him.
I think Biden’s comments are a reflection of awareness of this issue and that part of Barky’s meltdown as a noble and awe inspiring candidate are due to this hanging over his head. His choice of words, his posture, everything reflect fears and worries. GOOD!!!! The Dems have disgraced themselves with this choice. Can you imagine a Hillary led ticket, unstoppable as she will begin reminding all the day after Barkys defeat, either by the courts or by the voters, (I’m betting he never makes it to the voters.)
citizenwells // September 11, 2008 at 8:08 am
Curious indeed.
Michael Ingram (angrygodz@gmail.com) // September 11, 2008 at 8:39 am
Obama, McCain, Biden, Palin, Clinton, this one, that one…this is all a distraction. What so many people seem to forget, particularly when describing “Left” and “Right”, “Liberal” or “Conservative”…for each of these opposites there is something in the middle, and ALL are controlled by the same masters. A right hand/left hand still has the body and, by default, the mind in the middle telling each side how to behave.
When you’re in control of all opposing sides, the outcome ALWAYS comes out in your favor.
Its a little late in the game, but I’m throwing in my own presidential bid…even though I don’t have a snowballs chance in hell, I’m as qualified as ANY of these clowns serving the government…I’m over 35; I’m an official American citizen; I’ve been drunk, smoked pot, had unprotected sex, served in the military…and I’m honest enough to admit it! LOL!
Of course, with the things that I stand for, I’d be taken out of action long before the “votes” (what a friggin’ farce) started coming in (though I’m guaranteed at least 1 vote!)
citizenwells // September 11, 2008 at 8:46 am
I get your point.
However, this is not a typical US election and is unlike anything I have seen in my lifetime in this country. Obama and McCain are as different as night and day. Obama is controlled by puppet strings that lead near and far. The entire Obama camp picture is frightening.
braindeadlemmingsofUSA // September 11, 2008 at 8:46 am
____ the whole crooked lot of them AND their globalist masters
Dawn // September 11, 2008 at 10:04 am
Anybody but obama.
And I hate mccain. I will likely vote 3rd party except if I vote no to obama.
Don’t the dems understand they are MAKING me vote republican by forcing that lying, communist, racist, criminal on me??
NO to B.O.
I have already applied for a green card in another country. I refuse to live in an obamination!