Count the Consequences, Where the Consequences Count
I’m thinking “Count the Consequences. Where Consequences Count.” Significantly, in recent decades, America has sampled its share of legal flavors from Constitutional law to international “soft” law. Add to these extremes of cosmic self-law, on one hand, and Sharia (Islamic Law) on the other; and it becomes manifestly clear that options truly matter when it comes to implementing regulations and principles under which justice is administered and order is........
by Debra Rae
Piranha Pundits Panic Over Palin
A letter to the editor in my local newspaper on September 7 said, “Obama shows integrity, Palin shows mean spirit.” One of Obama’s deceived followers writes: When news broke about Sarah Palin’s pregnant daughter, it was Barack who told people that her family and children were off limits. By contrast, the woman he defended decided the best way to introduce herself to the American public was to take catty, cynical and mean-spirited potshots at the Democrat candidate.” Of course, her hero Barack, who many think walks on water, made his comments AFTER the piranha media had already done his dirty work for him........
by Betty Freauf
McCain Feeds Palin to the Wolves
The McCain campaign is running an ad saying the wolves are out to get Sarah Palin. But the campaign fed her to the wolves in the Charlie Gibson interview. The interview, at least the part on foreign policy, looked like a police interrogation. The only thing missing was a rubber hose.
Conservative bloggers are complaining about Gibson’s performance, saying he got some facts wrong. But police have the right to lie in order to get a confession. The McCain campaign knew this going in........
by Cliff Kincaid
Sunday, 14 September 2008
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Britannia Radio