Saturday, 6 September 2008

Duly Noted: Happy to Bomb

George Handlery about the week that was. One candidate, two programs? Attracted  by extremists. What did he actually say? “Cheetahs for the protection of gazelles”. The “Dictator’s Tantrum” #4. Just one more thing!
1. Watch for the articles, postings and TV reports that will overtly or covertly suggest that, if Obama is not elected then, it will be because of “racism.” Abroad and at home, this is a great tactic for a candidate. To the extent that it is useful for a party, it is harmful for the country. With such claims, the truth, untruth, and any libelous intimation become ignored. No one wishes to be labeled a racist. Playing this card is bad. Believing that the majority will give credence to the insinuation is worse.

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