Ethics and Moral Relativists
Call me foolish and color me confused, but why are the inventors of moral relativism suddenly concerned about ethics? Better still, if morals are relative to whatever a liberal invents in his head, then ethics don’t really exist for a liberal (which is why the slaughter of the unborn poses no problem for them). It’s why Obama doesn’t think an aborted baby born alive should be allowed to live. What matters to the average liberal is “self,” which is in direct contravention to the “other centeredness” of the Bible. But I digress.......
by Jill Walker, JD
9-11 Still United in Memory?
This week, in the small chapel where George Washington attended after his inauguration, which is near Ground Zero and the most extensive September 11th museum in New York City, millions will file through to view photos, videos and remnants from the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on America and the close to year-long cleanup of that evil deed......
by Sharon Hughes
New Florida Custody Law Won't Change Anything
The new law contains different language as the current/old terms visitation, custody, custodial parent, primary residential parent and non-custodial parent are gone. In are the terms parenting plan and time-sharing schedule. Quoting the new language - The Division of Statutory Revision is directed to re-designate Chapter 61, Florida Statutes, as "Dissolution of Marriage; Support; Time-Sharing." Please see........
by Dean Tong, MSc
US Media is Mentally Ill
I have been too hard on our media and U.S. news. I forgot for a moment that they have the taste and emotional needs of a 10 year old, they want to be an adult right now, but don’t do their chores or follow through with homework. If its Hanna Montana or Britney on TV they are right on the story. The new Britney (since Britney hasn’t shaved her head recently) to them is Governor Sarah Palin and family. They have slammed her faith in Christ, her marriage, her choices when pregnant with her disabled boy, her pregnant daughter, her experience and the assaults and orgy continue. Of course, the attacks don’t.......
by Laurie Roth
Friday, 12 September 2008
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Britannia Radio