Russia: the opposition that melted, Dmitri Travin
Many different explanations are offered in Russia today for the weakness of the democratic movement and its inability to oppose the Kremlin in any way. The factors include the lack of firm democratic traditions in the country, the brainwashing of the population by a mass media controlled by government, and the fact that people associate the growth of their real incomes with the rule of Vladimir Putin.
In this context it is interesting to consider what has happened to the team of young... more »
The east Atlantic empire, Arthur Aughey
Arthur Aughey reviews A Floating Commonwealth: Politics, Culture and Technology on Britain’s Atlantic Coast, 1860-1930 by Christopher Harvie.
(Oxford 2008, 319pp +xii)
G M Trevelyan once described social history as ‘history with the politics left out’. Christopher Harvie’s A Floating Commonwealth could be described as British history with England left out. Or to put that more accurately, British history with London left out, for Bristol, Liverpool and Manchester get their... more »