"The Family" And its hijacking of Evangelicalism, Part 4
Equally disturbing as Tim LaHaye’s apparent compromise was Jerry Falwell’s. Jerry Falwell would speak at the 1997 CAUSA program, 4 years after my own encounter as a keynote speaker for CAUSA. If he ever uttered a word against the New Age Movement, I never heard of it. Perhaps others did. Again the lure for him was obviously money. Moon had reportedly bailed his university out of a financial crisis........
by Attorney Constance Cumbey
McCain-Obama for the Presidential Dream Ticket
Want a Presidential dream ticket that will unify the country? I propose that Obama pick McCain as his Vice President and McCain pick Obama. That way, if one loses the election, at least he’ll be Vice President! Think about it: Obama’s largest deficit from a purely pragmatic basis is his youth, his lack of political and foreign policy experience, a deficit that McCain would dramatically rectify. McCain’s most significant problem with.......
by Patrick Johnston
Cold War Redux
So, Russian forces began to pullout from “parts of Georgia.” However, a top general said hundreds of soldiers would remain deep inside the country along the main strategic highway....
by Geoff Metcalf
Did Soros pick Obama's running mate?
The announcements from the left-wing Media Matters group get funnier all the time. The organization is complaining that some news outlets have accurately reported that Senator Joseph Biden, picked as Barack Obama’s running mate, was drummed out of the 1988 presidential race for plagiarism. Media Matters’ criticism of this truthful account is that Biden on some other occasions had given credit to the person he stole the words froma British politician named Neil Kinnock.......
by Cliff Kincaid
Monday, 1 September 2008
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Britannia Radio