Firstly here is an assessment of the parallels of what is happening
in the USA and here in Britain.
Since this was written commentators are saying that B&B looks set to
join Northern Rock in taxpayer portfolio.
They doubt Bradford & Bingley will make it through the weekend as a
privately owned bank
Then Ambrose Evans=Pritchard contradicts the piece by Jeff Randall I
sent before! He emphasises the deadly seriousness for all of us of
what is happening
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx cs
1. Britain needs a US-style financial system bail-out
Trust is in short supply during a financial crisis, so asking for
someone's complete and undiluted faith right now is a risky gambit.
By Edmund Conway, Economics Editor
This, though, is precisely what George W Bush and Hank Paulson are
doing with their bail-out scheme for the American financial system.
It is a bold move, However it raises a significant question for
Gordon Brown. Given that a bail-out of this scale was needed in the
US, do we not need a similar scheme in the UK which is, by most
accounts, even more vulnerable to the financial crisis?
In Britain, like the US, banks are unable to lend because their
balance sheets have become so soiled by the toxic sub-prime
instruments associated with the US and UK housing crashes. The White
House's solution is to create a taxpayer-funded vat into which the
banks can throw the worst of these instruments. It isn't pretty but
neither is the alternative: a major economic collapse.
Both in the US and on these shores we are stuck in a financial
vicious circle (the economists call it a negative feedback loop but
ignore them for a moment).
House prices are falling, consumers are spending less and some are
unable to pay their mortgages. This makes banks less willing to lend
money. They then tighten their lending standards, which means
consumers find it even more expensive to borrow. Households spend
less, and the circle begins again.
As banks spiral downwards, they keep having to raise more cash in
order to keep their balance sheets in order. This is why they have
had to go cap-in-hand to existing shareholders, through rights
issues, to the new rich of the East and Middle East and a few rich
investors like Warren Buffett who are willing to take a punt.
But now, with no-one keen to stump up the cash for shares in banks,
they are left with three options: first, to collapse (for example,
Lehman Brothers); second, to be bought by a richer bank (for example,
Merrill Lynch and others) or third to be bailed out by the Government.
This is why even die-hard free marketeers in the Republican
administration have gritted their teeth and put their weight behind
the Paulson bail-out. It simply is the last hope for survival for the
American financial system.
Here in the UK, by contrast, almost all of the actions by
policymakers have concentrated on "sticking plaster" manoeuvres which
keep the financial system from sinking but hardly offer it lasting
There is a small chance that the system will self-correct, but far
from showing signs of strength in the past few days it has lurched
from one panic to another. The cost of borrowing money wholesale shot
up dramatically yesterday in the latest sign that the sense of fear
and paranoia has hit new peaks. A US-style bail-out looks
increasingly inevitable.
Which brings us to the sticky subject of the bill. As the $700
billion US plan shows, financial bail-outs rarely come cheap. If
Britain was to emulate the US scheme it could cost somewhere between
£50 billion and £100 billion, although more conservative estimates
put the bill at £20 billion.
However much it costs, the scheme will shatter the Treasury's
borrowing rules far more dramatically than anyone had expected.
Britain would almost certainly find itself with a bigger budget
deficit than it faced in 1975 when it was bailed out by the
International Monetary Fund.
Yes, this solution will be ugly. Yes, it will be expensive for
taxpayers. However, it is essential if we are to avoid a repeat of
the 1930s.
=========================== AND --->
2. Even Hank Paulson's bail-out plan cannot detox global banking
Can the rescue package really halt our slide into a new Depression,
asks Ambrose Evans-Pritchard.
Even if Congress backs the Paulson bail-out, the $700 billion blast
cannot save the US, Britain or the world from the deepest economic
slump since the Thirties. If Congress balks, God help us. The credit
system is suffering a heart attack. Inter-bank lending is paralysed.
Funds are accepting zero interest on US Treasury notes for the first
time since Pearl Harbour, because no bank account is safe.
Wherever you look - dollar, euro, sterling Libor (the rate at which
banks lend to each other), or spreads on credit derivatives - the
stress has reached breaking point. If borrowers cannot roll over the
three-month loans that are the lifeblood of business, they will
default en masse.
"Money markets are imploding. If no action is taken very soon, there
is a significant risk that the global economy will collapse," says
BNP Paribas. Almost every trader says much the same thing. So does US
treasury secretary Hank Paulson, who as Toby Harnden reports,
literally dropped on bended knee to beg help from Democrats on
Capitol Hill.
Republican refuseniks - defying their president - have a grim
responsibility if they now tip America over the edge, setting off the
"adverse feedback loop" that so terrifies the US Federal Reserve.
Like players in a Greek tragedy, they seem determined to repeat the
"liquidation" policy that led to the Great Depression - and to
Democrat ascendancy for years.
Lehman Brothers' collapse showed the chain of inter-connections that
can cause mayhem across a clutch of different markets. That was just
one bank - albeit with $630 billion or so in liabilities.
Credit is the lubricant of a modern economy. A seizure now would
probably lead to the bankruptcy of General Motors and Ford in short
order, but it would not stop with the US car industry. Waves of job
losses would set off a self-feeding spiral. Yet more people would
default on their mortgages (and car loans), driving house prices down
even further. That, in turn, would threaten the solvency of the best
banks. That is the way to Armaggedon.
As Mr Paulson says, US taxpayers are on the hook whether they like it
or not. A $700 billion fund to soak up toxic debt and stabilise the
credit market is the cheapest way out. It is certainly cheaper than
Hopes that the world can cruise happily on as the US buckles have
been dashed by the violent downturn across Europe and Asia over the
summer. The Baltic Dry Index measuring freight rates for ships has
plummeted by two thirds since May. Japan's economy is already
contracting. China's may be close behind: a third of all textile
factories in Guangdong have closed this year. House prices are
tumbling in Shenzen, Beijing, Shanghai.
Albert Edwards, global strategist at Société Général, says Asia built
its boom on shipping goods to the US: "The emerging market boom is
going to collapse and this will shake investors to the core. The
great unwinding has only just begun."
In Europe, an arc of states from Scandinavia down through the core of
the euro zone is already sliding into recession. German GDP shrank by
0.5 per cent in the second quarter. Its manufacturing orders have
fallen for eight months in a row, for the first time since records
began. Spain is at the onset of a calamitous bust after a property
bubble that surpassed even the excesses in America.
This is debt deflation - partly imported from America, partly home-
grown. It is global. There is nowhere to hide. Even oil-rich Norway
took emergency action this week to shore up its banks.
How will it all end? Europe assumed - wrongly - in the early Thirties
that it could withstand the Atlantic gales after the collapse of the
Bank of the United States in December 1930. However, Austria's Credit-
Anstalt failed in the early summer of 1931, setting off contagion
across the central European banking system.
In the end, it was America that muddled through. The US produced
Roosevelt: Europe lost half its democracies. We now live in more
benign times, but unlike America, it is far from clear whether the
eurozone has the machinery to rescue its economy in a fast-moving
crisis. EU rules prohibit big fiscal bail-outs. There is no EU
treasury to take charge.
America's serial bail-outs - nearing $1.6 trillion, or 12 per cent of
GDP - are playing havoc with the US budget. The deficit is above 6.7
per cent, near a 60-year peak. But claims that the US is going bust
are frivolous. The US Treasury is not taking on permanent debt: it is
behaving like a giant wealth fund, hoovering up mortgage securities
selling far below their real value for reasons of panic. Famed
investor Warren Buffett expects it to make "a considerable amount of
The system will recover, but it may take a slow purge for a decade or
more to rid us of the debt toxins. There will be no quick rebound
this time.
Saturday, 27 September 2008
Posted by
Britannia Radio