Why is anyone surprised at this? I could have told them this would be the outcome. Indeed, I did tell them this would be the outcome. Repeatedly. I wrote column after column warning that the model of citizenship being adopted, drawn up by the retired politics Professor Bernard Crick, was actually a model of anti-citizenship. In 2004, for example, I wrote in the Mail that the citizenship teaching inspired by Sir Bernard amounted to politically correct indoctrination in which multiculturalism, ‘globalisation’ and ‘a shrinking planet’Friday, 26th September 2008
Chalk this one up to Gramsci (again)
According to a study by the National Foundation for Educational Research, children who have citizenship lessons at school – introduced in 2002 to boost pupils' civic pride and sense of social responsibility -- displayless trust in authority figures and institutions and end up with a more negative attitude towards society.
...Subversives for Obama
There are two American election campaigns currently running. The first, in the mainstream media, accepts Barack Obama at face value, no questions asked, while it viciously turns over Sarah Palin and her family whom it subjects to lies, smears and character assassination. The second, being conducted in the blogosphere and (with one or two notable exceptions such as the Wall Street Journal) not alluded to at all by the mainstream media, is the site of verbal warfare between Camp Obama and bloggers who are practising journalism as it used to be practised – going behind the propaganda to dig out information and asking questions about it. The blogosphere is not only rebutting the Palin lies but also piling up the most disturbing revelations about Obama’s background and associations -- compounded by the troubling manner in which Camp Obama...
Saturday, 27 September 2008
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Britannia Radio