By Fred Marshall Jr.
What I'm about to suggest will be a little too heavy for some readers, especially for those who mistakenly believe that the official story the world was told about the events of September 11, 2001, is anywhere near true. Anyone who hasn't realized by now that the whole fiasco was an inside government job, well, simply hasn't been paying attention. Some factual "givens" must be understood before I lay my predictions on you. The purpose is that when some or all of them come to pass, then readers will (1) not be surprised and (2) they'll have a fundamental understanding of what will be some of the motives. Some will no doubt wrongly call me "racist," but I hasten to remind readers that telling the truth cannot justifiably be regarded as racist (though it is "politically correct" to keep one's mouth shut). Neither Obama nor McCain is qualified to lead sheep to pasture without the help of a well-trained shepherd dog. McCain flew airplanes, he didn't command battalions, brigades, squadrons, or anything. He destroyed four or five aircraft through negligence and arrogance. Getting shot down is evidence of failure, not success. His only experience in government has been in the Congress, where he has run nothing. He no doubt has always had the equivalent of an office manager to supervise his staff, so he hasn't even run an office staff. Obama is as much a joke as McCain. The Senate has been in session for 143 work days since he has been a Senator. He hasn't introduced any legislation worth mentioning, and he hasn't voted on any measures that were opposed by the other party. Bills that rename post offices, and similar actions, usually pass by unanimous consent and voice votes that can't be traced back to any group of Senators. Oh, he was a "community organizer," whatever that is. There's lots of evidence Obama is a devout Muslim, and states in his own book that he will stand with the Muslims if the winds of change ever force his hand. Newt Gingrich just about sums up the leadership experience in Obama's background, in 43 seconds, in the attached video. You'll note the media guy was speechless when he finished. The comparison is of Obama and Palin, and Newt points out that he hasn't seen anything Obama has done other than talk and write. We need a bit more than that in a president. And, since that's about all we've seen from McCain, flipping a coin might be a good idea. Obama Admits Muslim Faith - 2 min Sarah Palin is more qualified than both of them combined. Her history is admittedly rather brief, but her accomplishments have been noteworthy, and easily subjugate everything the other two have done. It's a sad fact that the people who have resolved to vote for either McCain or Obama don't know much of anything about either one of them. Their emotions have been systematically molded by the lamestream media over the past few months. I say "emotions" because none of them has sufficient knowledge of either candidate upon which to base a defendable "opinion." Opinions can't be formed without knowledge. People who don't know much about a subject cannot form an opinion about it. "Choices" made on the basis of scant knowledge is guesswork at best, emotional at worst. The bottom line is that we'll be in a heap of do-do with either one of them in the Oval Office (or have they stuck with the name Clinton gave it, the "Oral Orifice?"). Now for some predictions, admittedly speculative. If Obama loses, you can rest assured there will be demonstrations in cities all across the country. You'll see window-breaking, looting, attacks on small groups and individual white folks, and the race-whores (Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Kwiasi Imfume, Louis Farakkan, John Conyers, etc.) will be hogging every television camera they can find to publicly claim "foul," "rigged voting," "disenfranchised" voters, and the like. The police, and maybe the National Guard, will be out in force beforehand because these results are both quietly expected and presumed inevitable. The media will fan the flames. They'll run specials (they're getting them ready now) to remind viewers of the exploits of MLK, Rosa Parks, Medgar Evers, Malcolm X, and other lesser-known black leaders of the past. Programs will harken back to the days of slavery (which existed in most countries two centuries ago) and will shame and throw guilt trips on the greedy white folk. We'll be reminded once again that our ancestors "stole" the land from the native Indians. If Obama wins, then essentially the same thing will occur, with a few twists here and there. The riots, the destruction, and the attacks will be similar, though the motivation will be slightly different. Lower class and uneducated blacks will feel empowered by having a black president and will want to publicly demonstrate to showcase their newly-acquired status and influence. They'll feel "in charge" after hundreds of years of oppression. They'll "take back" what they sense "well-to-do" people - - especially elderly people - - have "stolen" from them in the past, the things to which they feel "entitled." So, I expect all manner or law enforcement agencies, National Guard, and active duty armed forces are drilling and rehearsing as I write. The stage for justifying the president - - any president - - to declare martial law is being set. Should Bush elect to make that declaration, he can set aside the election results for up to two years (which can be extended) as I understand it. Social and racial unrest and upheaval could give Bush the excuse on and after election day (he's still president until Jan 20, 2009 no matter how the election turns out) to declare martial law. Other things could achieve the same ends before the election. For example, the collapse of the dollar could do it, and that too is inevitable, it's just a matter of time. The dollar can't last more than six months as things are now. The laughable bailouts of AIG, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, Bear Stearns and other banking/financial entities have put the final nails in the dollar's coffin. The collapse may come in the form of a stock market crash or it can come in other ways. Should the financial collapse occur before the election, der Fuhrer Bush can declare martial law and suspend all elections, again for up to two years which is extendable. Meanwhile, the dollar will be declared worthless and the new Amero will be put into circulation. The supply of Ameros has been printed and the coins minted for more than two years now. It's warehoused and ready to go. What Federal Reserve Notes folks have now can be stashed away with the Confederate dollars a lot of people were stuck with after the Civil War. Borders between the U.S. and Mexico, and between the U.S. and Canada, will cease to exist. There will be no more "illegal immigration," as individual movement within the North American continent will be possible, though the people may well be restricted to "sectors" to which we'll all be assigned. Everyone will be declared "North American citizens" and "U.S. Persons," "Mexican Persons," and "Canadian Persons" within the North American Union. What must be understood is that we haven't had a Constitution for 95 years now. Many of the laws already on the books are patently unconstitutional, but they are laws and the enforcers will cram them down our throats, plus the courts will ratify them without permitting Constitutional challenges. Anyone who believes that Obama or McCain would or could stop it, or that the Democrats or Republicans in Congress would or could stop it, or that the courts will dampen anything, is merely dreaming. They are all owned and controlled by the international banking cartel which has been calling the shots in this country for more than three-quarters of a century already. The recent and ongoing bailouts are nothing but a massive transfer of wealth and property from the people to the banking cartel. Anyone who believes otherwise either hasn't been paying attention or has been looking in the wrong places. I cannot tell you precisely HOW or WHEN all this will transpire, I can only assure you THAT these things will happen. Call this an omen or a warning or call it whatever you choose, just don't ignore it or dismiss it as the ranting of a decrepit old man with some loose screws. To a point, I think all this could have been staved off if the marketplace had been permitted to sort out the winners and losers. People and entities which mismanaged their operations should have been allowed to fail outright. People who took mortgage loans they could not pay should have been foreclosed upon and put out of the houses they had no business occupying in the first place. All Congress would have had to do was to suspend capital gains taxes for five or ten years and there would have been businesses which would have bought up all the banks and lending institutions, and qualified buyers in the housing market would have bought the houses at depressed and distressed prices. Problems arise when government attempts to "influence" or "control" the marketplace. Clinton and Gore, with the help of Janet Reno, pressured lending institutions back in the 1990s to stop "redlining," a codeword which meant "turning down loan applicants who weren't creditworthy." They wanted to increase minority home ownership, and that was a noble desire, but the government had no right to influence how lenders assess the reliability and ability to pay of mortgage applicants. When they did that, Katie bar the door, because people came out of the woodwork and became (at least temporarily) "homeowners." Rentals exist simply because of market demand - - some people who cannot buy homes HAVE to rent or live with family members. Some people are irresponsible and are destined to rent all of their lives. The government cannot change that, and it should not try. Besides, that's beyond the limited powers granted the government by the Constitution (which the government claims we have, it just doesn't honor its provisions). We had an opportunity to derail the moneyed vultures who seek to rule the world and own everything and everybody in it. His name is Ron Paul. But the media froze him out, on orders from the banking cartel (sometimes called "the men behind the curtain," "the insiders," "the illuminati," and so forth). Another possibility is that a significant event (terrorist attack) can occur before the election. If that should happen, it will have been engineered and executed by elements of the United States Government (CIA, FBI, NSA, etc.) and it will be blamed on somebody specific, perhaps Iran. That could trigger not only martial law, it could resurrect the draft and, within four to six months, we could have a military force 50% larger than it is now. If der Fuhrer Bush chooses to allow the elections to go on as scheduled, or if he suspends them for 90 days or so, then presidential winds would shift and McCain would be hailed as the man for the "command" job ahead (he's a military "hero" don't forget), while Obama's inexperience would be exploited to the hilt, and successfully I suspect. I think even the 98% of blacks determined to vote for him would recognize he isn't the man needed at the helm if we become entangled in more war. Only God can help us now. Be sure you have your cupboards stocked with the fundamental staples, plus a few firearms and lots of ammunition. When the crash comes, store shelves will be bare within 24 hours, and there will be people attempting to come through your locked doors. Copyright September 2008 Fred Marshall Jr May be reproduced and distributed in its entirety only. All rights reserved. |