Georgi Markov: the truth that killed, Irina Novakova It took a brave person to look into the real face of communism, and an even braver one to speak the truth about it. Georgi Markov had both levels of bravery. The Bulgarian writer and broadcaster, after his exile from the country in 1969, used every channel available to him - plays, novels, and his weekly "in absentia" reports from Bulgaria on Radio Free Europe in the late 1970s - to expose the system he had escaped and its authoritarian leaders. On 11 September 1978, Markov paid for... more » The Swish Report (11), Paul Rogers An eighth report from the South Waziristan Institute of Strategic Hermeneutics to the al-Qaida Strategic Planning Cell (SPC) on the progress of the campaign Thank you for inviting us to deliver another report on the progress of your movement. You will recall that our work for your planning cell commenced with an initial assessment in July 2004, a follow-up in January 2005 and further reports in February 2006 and September 2006 and (in light of political developments in the United States)... more » Lesson for the Left from Chile to Britain, Hassan Akram The other September 11th, the Chilean coup of 1973, may offer a clue to the current malaise of Britain's Labour Party. Hassan Akram (Cambridge): Gordon Brown is in serious trouble. Behind the scenes people are no longer talking about whether he should be replaced but when. But if Brown is to be replaced we need to understand what's gone wrong with his government. And to understand what's gone wrong for Brown we could do well by starting with September 11th. September... more » 9/11: the engineer's divine rage , Malise Ruthven In the immediate aftermath of the skybombing of the World Trade Centre in New York and the Pentagon in Washington on 11 September 2001, anyone with a minimum of human sympathy will be overwhelmed by feelings of rage and despair. Politicians, responding to the public mood, declare a “war on terrorism”. The airline industry goes into the proverbial nosedive. The stock markets tumble and experts predict that to the cost in human sorrow will be added the pain of economic recession. Muslim... more » |
Saturday, 13 September 2008
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Britannia Radio