The world after the Caucasus war , Rein Müllerson
"It is not a battle of good against evil. It's a war between forces that are fighting for the balance of power, and, when that type of battle begins, it lasts longer than others - because Allah is on both sides." - Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
Rein Müllerson is professor and chair of international law at King's College, London. He has been a visiting professor at the LSE, a member of the United Nations Human Rights Committee, and (in 1991-92) first deputy foreign... more »
The Limits of the ‘Think Tank’ Revolution , Gerry Hassan
Gerry Hassan has worked extensively with several UK think tanks. In an OurKingdom essay, he argues that, in Britain as in America, the think tank model has worked better for the right than for the left, and calls for new thinking about the kind of institutions that can nurture progressive ideas. Read the rest of this post...
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Japan's politics: suicide by drowning, Noriko Hama
Noriko Hama is professor at Doshisha Business School. She writes regularly and commentates frequently in leading journals (Mainichi Shimbun, Japan Times, Financial Times) and broadcasting media (NHK, BBC, CNN). Her publications include (as co-author) Can the Dollar Recover? (1992) and (as contributor) The Japanese Economy in Synopsis (2005)
Also by Noriko Hama in openDemocracy:
"Koizumi after Koizumi: Japan's changing pains" (12 September 2005)
"How... more »
US Republicans: the Bush legacy, openDemocracy
10:55 minutes (10 MB)
Intro - Bush admin as a regime, rather than administration. He goes on to describe the some of the personalities involved, the mis-management of the Iraq project, and the illegitimacy of the foundation of Bush govt on 2000 election.