Saturday, 20 September 2008

Lame Cherry

(Just remember:  Relationships and Ideaologies of ;
Frankfurt School: Dialectics; Changes through Culture; The third way; 
no absolutism;  "everything is relative"; 
and so .....Saul Alinsky; Hilary Clinton;  Obama Barak;)

Obama's Big 3

I would like you to look at the three men pictured above. Take a good long look at their faces and then deep into their eyes.
The first is the spiritual and political heir apparent of Islamocommunist Iran in Mr. Larijani who this blog has profiled in his creating a new Islamic code which melds the German philosopher Immanuel Kant intoIslamocommunism which states basically in theory that every Iranian has an absolute duty to perform in service to Iran, and, when they perform that duty in absolute nuclear war, that it makes that murder of millions into a moral code as acting out on one's absolute duty makes it moral.

The second is Ayatollah Khamenei, the heir apparent of Ayatollah Khomeini's Baathist French created Islamocommunism. He and Mr. Larijaniare wed at the hip in absolute patient agreement in implementing the Persian Caliph of Xerxes.

The third is Ahmadinejad. The current President of Iran who though scolded at times is the public voice of Iran for this term, but will be replaced by Mr.Larijani.

All of the above are brilliant, Islamocommunists and Mr. Obama thinks he can sit down and negotiate with these men. If you require being informed after looking into their eyes, these men are men who chew up the Barack'sof this world and spit them out as a snack.
Barack Obama is absolutely no match in reading a teleprompter to what these savvy street fighters are all about.

The reason this matters is Mr. Ahmadinejad has on his coming New York trip accepted Barack Obama's challenge to talk. Mr. Ahmadinejad has now offered to debate Mr. Obama and Mr. McCain.
John McCain's immediate response was informing the world one does not debate people like Ahmadinejad and pointing out how inexperienced Mr.Obama is once again being suckered into a trap.
Mr. Obama's response as absolute silence in running away.

There is a debate though going on in Iran among the top 3 leaders above along with their Qod Forces, Revolutionary Guards and intelligence network on how to actually make a first strike against American forces, the Israeli state and the Arabian coalition.
First strikes are not a sole attribute of US policy. Iran blew TWA 800 out of the sky, so they are quite capable in first strikes when they set their mind to it.

The Islamocommunist Persians know that either George Bush 43 or the next President is going to have to hit them due to Iran is building more nuclear warheads. The debate in Iran is then how does one cripple all of their enemy forces, destroy oil supply, nuclear pollute the region and in the smoldering ruins have enough resources to fill the void to establish the Caliph.

The central European Ashkenaz secularists have so maneuvered this in Russia arming Iran, America arming Fatah, Iran arming Hamas and Hezbollah in Lebanon with the absolute ineffective Kadima party in the Israeli state at war with it's religious American Jews in order to gain control over the east and west bank to gain Jerusalem, that this is a powder keg of demonic princes just begging someone to throw in a match for victory as waiting around will spell defeat.

Iran fully understands enough of this to get the point that a massive strike anywhere in a lame duck presidency right before the elections, right after or before the new President takes control and right after are the vulnerable points as even the Israeli state is facing a leadership crisis.

If one wants to assess how grave this is, just consider Putin is in control or Russia, these three are in charge of Iran, the only leader in Europe worth any ability is Sarkozy and George Bush is the best the west has to bluff the Persians.
So readers will understand why Iran is contemplating a direct hit depending on who is President.

If John McCain appears to be elected, the Iranians will have no reason to wait so it would be sooner than later. If Barack Obama is elected, the strike would reason on if President Bush would strike as Bush 43 would hand it off to John McCain, but with Obama an early 2009 present knowing his fragmented personality would shatter leaving Iran suffering a small US Air Force barrage and winning the entire Middle East.

I personally was stunned in Gulf War I and II how Saddam just sat there allowing Americans to strike. When one has American forces concentrated, one hits them with all the firepower one can to hopefully cripple them and cause enough panic to negotiate your way out.
That is standard military protocol.

Iran is operating under this protocol of a first strike. Iran doesn't have to shut down the Strait of Hormuz for oil supply if Iran simply smashes the Arabian oil pipelines, refineries and shipping terminals.
If Iran wants to make it permanent, Iran simply puts a nuclear glow on the situation as metal absorbs radiation and no one is going to be sending in workers into radioactive zones for months.

Net results as was reported here in Putin's plan is only Russia will have an oil supply to blackmail the world with.

Iran will not threaten nor strike European interests. The Muslim populations there will be allowed a phase 2 for later with Russian backing to topple the western governments.
The French will strike with nuclear weapons, so do not involve the French.

By nuclear polluting key areas of oil in the Middle East, Iran then is allowed the screaming headline of Joe Biden, "Get those radioactive US troops out of Iraq which Obama asked Iraq to keep in there to be killed for headlines to get him elected".

In effect, the America left will crumble faster than the World Trade Centers in screaming for American forces out of the Middle East.

For the Israeli state, they have a major problem now in not being able to scuff Syria as Russia is there. Israeli policy should be if this goes toWMD's to vaporize Damascus, Hezbollah of south Lebanon and key assets in Iran to which the Russians will pull their ships out.

Persian Islamocommunists though will survive just as Putin's Bolshevik's will survive any nuclear mayhem as they have the bunkers and surviving security forces to rule.
For secular Ashkenaz elite, they might survive a Hamas, Hezbollah and Iranian strike which goes nuclear, but as the key policy here is to rid the Israeli state of settlers, perhaps it will be lord high Rothschild seated on a new throne ruling after the war from Jerusalem with all contenders dead.

This is not that difficult for Iran to accomplish and why the heads are seriously debating at what point to strike instead of waiting to strike. None of this is about nuclear power plants or even nuclear arms. It is about how to greatest advantage neutralize the Israeli state, remove America, so Iran will rule the eastern Middle East.
Egypt is too powerful and will not be drawn in as it will rule the western front with Libya positioning for the central Pan Arab position.

Iran knows that the Americans and the Israeli's will not strike in full in not wanting the headlines of annihilation even if it is retaliatory strikes. There is allot to be said in nuclear fallout if the Persian communists are in bunkers and the west and the Jews are cropping southern Arabs in Iran where the oil fields are ridding the Persians of a problem.
China is full of Chinese fodder and Iran can simply send in Chinese workers to die of radiation poisoning bringing their wells back online.

The only major problem Iran has in this scenario is food. They will have to be supplied by Russia or get in stores before striking.

If the Ashkenaz Jews in the Israeli state can be goaded into a nuclear response when Iran is using nuclear weapons on oil fields and not troops or cities first, then in this scenario with enough American resources being damaged in bases, the Persians will launch as they have been practicing off of a ship 1 to 7 Shahab missiles with two warheads each to take out American cities starting with New York.
The reason for the small number of US strikes is Iran only holds approximately 30 warheads and they will need them for the Middle East theater in strikes and reserves, and, there is only so many key US cities on coastal areas to strike.
The Persian communists are not going to waste their bombs.

Many forces want this war for numerous reasons of hedging power and gaining position. This is but the Iranian gambit which would topple most of the Arab regimes, remove America from the region and cripple the Jewish state with the acceptable loss of Iranian assets in their estimation.

The above 3 are seriously debating this, because a Kadima party in Israel and the opportunity to roll Barack Obama is the most advantageous time for the Persians in this cycle.
To strike while you are dictating action to absorb the enemies' reaction, is the protocol of war instead of waiting for an American strike to squash thePerisan communists like a bug or waiting for the Israeli Defense Forces to dictate an order of battle without Hamas and Hezbollah using a pinning action, which makes military sense to Iran.

Iran would not even be considering this if Hillary Clinton was the one running against John McCain and if Zbigniew Brzezinski did not have his humiliated fingers in this pie over Syria or if Benjamin Netanyahu had been in power in the Jewish state.

Weakness is what breeds military action. The Iranians are weaker if they wait and stronger if they strike first against an unsettled Jewish and American leadership.

I will note this. If the US liberal press would stop the nonsense of backingObama and the European secular Ashkenaz with American Marxists would stop rigging the polling, so Mr. McCain would open a 20 point lead, there is a greater chance Iran will not choose a first strike as it will mean the US government will be united by the people.
Do not loose site that the current economic attacks on America from the same leftists who are in economic bed with Persian communists to assist Mr. Obama are not being factored in as policy by the same men pictured above.

All of this is connected and the fail safes of the international banks have now been tripped as the nation rapists pocket the funds being dumped in. Do not fail to understand that there are no more measures left now to stop a meltdown as all the international reserves are being used up.

The Persians understand this completely and while Obama's backers are profiting off of this as he now hides from Ahmadinejad from a debate he challenged him too, there is the fact that the west has no measures left now to absorb an oil spike, a nuclear terror event or a Persian first strike.

The current scenario though is breeding a first Persian strike.