Market WrapUp for Thursday, September 18 Fortunes will be won or lost based on which of these monetary events take hold in the next few years. At the moment, there is precious little truth that can be gleaned from the charts. Yet, many important charts are developing in a way that will enable intelligent analysts and traders to get the answers in a timely enough fashion so that they can position themselves on the “right side” of what will happen in the long term. Some of these charts will be highlighted tonight. Full article Puru Saxena Richard Loomis James Turk Hi Ho Silver! Mark H. Bailey Keith Neumeyer Lorne Waldman Robert A. Quartermain Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 09/19 Financial Collapse and Destructive War by J. R. Nyquist
Deflation, Inflation or Goldilocks
by Martin Goldberg
FSN Broadcast for Saturday, September 20 Posted on Saturday, but available all week long. 1st Hour
with Jim & Team
Frank Barbera
Metals2nd Hour
Guest Experts
Upcoming Silver Stars:
President & CEO, Director
Minefinders Corporation Ltd.
President & CEO
First Majestic Silver Corp.
Corporate Secretary
Silvercorp Metals Inc.
President & CEO, Director
Silver Standard Resources Inc.3rd Hour
with Jim & John
Who's Next
- Other Voices with John Williams, Shadow Government Statistics:
Helicopter drops & B-52 bombing runs
- Band of Brothers
- The Next Major Crisis
- Q-CallsFinancial Sense Editorials
09/18 Gold up to $893, Finally the Wait is Over by John Lee
09/18 The AIG Bailout What's Next? by Oliver Garret
09/17 The end of Central Bank selling? by Julian Phillips
09/16 On Bank Insolvency by Paul Nolte
09/15 Time for FOMC Hawks to Eat Crow by Paul Kasriel
09/15 Financial Sense Junior Gold Index Review by Frank Barbera
09/15 Has Hedging Killed the Goose that Was to Lay the Golden Egg? by Antal Fekete
09/15 What Every Silver Investor Must Do Now by David Morgan
09/15 Th*nk*ng (Spotlights) by Fred Cederholm
09/15 This Week: Bail, Bail, Bail the Boat by Peter Navarro, Ph.D.
09/15 Agri-Food Thoughts by Ned Schmidt
09/12 Whither Gold by David Galland
09/12 The Danger is Not Fully Appreciated by J. R. Nyquist
09/10 Ruthless Behavior by Monty Guild & Tony Danaher
09/10 The Biggest Bailout of All Time by Doug Casey
09/10 Stock market volume and the unlucky month of September by Clif Droke
Friday, 19 September 2008
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Britannia Radio