Abstract The hypothesis of this study seeks to link exposure to political violence, via the Internet and Transnational TV (cable/satellite TV), in response to perceived affronts to Islam, with the increased ability of militant Islamist actors to coerce citizens of democracies into restricting their freedom of expression. The results show that freedom of expression is under a sustained assault by militant Islamists within Western Europe and from outside Islamist actors-- threatening the bedrock of liberal democracy. A search was conducted by reviewing news reporting that fit the criteria derived from the hypothesis--starting with the murder of Theo van Gogh on 2 Nov 2004 through the 13 Feb 2008 reprinting of the Mohammed cartoons. Lexus-Nexus revealed nine separate events involving eight European citizens that when exercising freedom of expression lead to violence or the threat of violence in reaction to perceived offenses to Islam. One of the eight European citizens was assassinated. Five out of the remaining seven live under police protection, excluding Pope Benedict XVI. Additionally, three cases of self-censorship are reported (many more exist but were not included because of time constraints). Self-censorship is on the rise with many artists, writers and politicians etc. choosing silence over engagement. Satellite TV and the Internet play an important role forming a conduit that allows terror to travel almost instantaneously from point to point making anyone with a modem or a satellite dish a possible victim. This enables Islamists to amplify and use political violence as coercive instrument intended to silence its critics and restrict the freedom of movement of its opponents out of fear of death.Militant Islam's Assault on Freedom of Expression
Lt Col Bruce K. Johnson
10 Sep 2008
Friday, 12 September 2008
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Britannia Radio