The Monarchs Of Money Have Been Exposed As Arrogant Fools, Now We Are All Paying The Price For Their Hubris 'For decades, we have worshipped at the shrine of gold. Prime ministers and presidents have bowed before its keepers. The monarchs of cash, arbiters of wealth, supposed founts of all wisdom, have bestridden Europe and the United States, humbling all in their path. Is the Illuminati Engineering Economic Collapse? Online Rumours and Conspiracies Must be Controlled 'The world Wide Web must be controlled to stop malicious rumours and conspiracy theories being passed off as facts states the internet creator.
Investment bankers, hedge fund managers, private equity bosses have strutted in their huge townhouses, tossed away thousands at charity auctions, held court at polo matches and racecourses, launched fleets of yachts and squadrons of Lear jets in a fashion which many of history's dictators would have envied.
Today, we awaken to discover that like so many wizards of Oz, these supremely confident figures are in reality foolish old men - and some young ones - mouthing hollow incantations from behind curtains.
Their universe is crumbling. They rule from the summits of glass towers, but now many can scarcely afford the rents. Markets are tumbling, currencies trembling, great companies begging for lifelines.
The money men have made fools of us. In the years of their dominance, they insisted that the markets were the highest judges and must be left free to rule. Now that the markets signal their downfall, they are running sobbing to governments and taxpayers, begging for our money to save them from the poorhouse'
He said that a new system needed to be put in place that would differentiate between reliable websites that use trusted sources and those that do not.
"On the web, the thinking of cults can spread very rapidly and suddenly a cult which was 12 people who had some deep personal issues suddenly find a formula which is very believable," he told the BBC.
"A sort of conspiracy theory of sorts and which you can imagine spreading to thousands of people and being deeply damaging."
He said that he was especially concerned by the way the web had been used to stoke fears that the switching on of the Large Hadron Collider would destroy the earth, and to spread rumours that the combined MMR vaccine was causing harm to children.
Sir Tim Berners-Lee is backing a new project, the World Wide Web Foundation, which aims to accelerate the progress of the internet and make it more easily available and accessible in developing nations.'
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
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Britannia Radio