How deeply embarrassing, then, that its very first trial has been put on ice because of a gross abuse of process by the court’s prosecutor, Luis Moreno-Ocampo. The judges stayed the trial because he had withheld ‘a significant body of exculpatory evidence’ from a defendant for the best part of a year. He had thus destroyed the right...Monday, 15th September 2008
Utopia deferred
The International Criminal Court is a symbol of everything that transnational progressives – who believe ‘the nation’ is bust and the only legitimacy lies in transnational institutions which, among other manifestations of utopia, will replace war by law – hold dear. The ICC supposedly embodies enlightened thinking, civilised values, the eclipse of the old order of venal self-interest by a collective endeavour of nations standing shoulder to shoulder to bring the world’s worst war criminals to the bar of justice.
Monday, 15 September 2008
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Britannia Radio