Monday, 22 September 2008

Monday 22 September 2008Britain's leading conservative blog
Now, The Independent warms to the Conservatives

The Editor of The Independent pours praise on to David Cameron's head

Independent "Alton thinks David Cameron is right on a "whole heap of things" but stops short of promising the Tory leader his paper's full support in a poll. He wants the Indy to live up to its name and stay "nimble". "Cameron [has got] the social values right. It's a very skilful piece of strategic engineering, showing himself as someone who cares about social issues and social divisions, it shows him as having core values. He is an immensely attractive guy, charming and very smart." He sees the same quality in Tony Blair and Nick Clegg, praising them as "blokes doing the right things"." - Roger Alton quoted in The Guardian

> Last week we analysed The Guardian's warmth to the Conservatives

Highlights from the weekend
ToryDiary: Tories set to suspend plans for green taxation

Yellowtoblue ToryDiary: The biggest marginals poll ever predicts Tory majority of 146


Andrew Lilico on US private capitalism, RIP: "The US government has decided it could find $1,000,000,000,000 to bail out rich lenders that had made bad decisions (shareholders have been wiped out, but those that lent too much - one of the errors at the core of the problem - have been saved!).  In the future, US taxes will need to service this debt.  What argument is anyone going to be able to offer as to why these taxes should be paid by the poor?"

    Suli Shah on Bush as America's most big government President since WWII: "Despite Bush’s social conservative successes and his strong response to 9/11, his handling of this financial crisis will be his unmaking. He has decisively moved the American political fulcrum to the Left, and left an almighty economic mess that will take years to undo. The global capital of Big Government today is not Moscow or Beijing, but Washington DC."

    2mincalifornia Seats and candidates: Should the Tories spend £2m in California?