More things which may have been overlooked - - -
xxxxxxxxxxxxx cs
50,000 prisoners freed early receive £4 m under scheme
Nearly 50.000 prisoners will have been released early by the
beginning of next year to ease overcrowding.. . . . . also disclosed
that one in ten of the 1,000 plus offenders who had been called back
to jail for breaching the terms of their release was still at large.
(Telegraph 18.9.08)
“Gordon Brown was elected 15 months ago because of his record and his
promise - his record is even now more appropriate, because of the
economic situation, than it was then.” [NOBODY elected him! The
public have not had the chance and the Labour Party chickened out -cs]
(Jack Straw -Today Programme, BBC Radio 4 23/9/08)
Brown slumps to 5.6%
Unfortunately I'm not reporting a new opinion poll but 5.6% refers to
the occupancy rate of the Boeing airplane that is taking our Prime
Minister across the Atlantic. 23 passengers are on board according
to my exclusive source. The B747-400's capacity is 409.
(ConservativeHome 24.9.08)
Bush invites Brown to White House
If Mohammed won't come to the mountain... Gordon Brown will go to the
White House tomorrow to discuss the global financial crisis with
George Bush. So he'll have something to show for this trip, which was
hit by awkward claims that Hank Paulson had snubbed the PM by
refusing to fly to NY to see him. He's also meeting Tom Geithner of
the New York Fed this afternoon. There will relief in No10 that Mr
Brown gets a chance to join the party in DC, even it's got that feel
of a last minute invite for someone on a wedding B-list.
(Mailonline 25/9.08)
Cameron to use Barack Obama's campaign slogan - David Cameron, the
Conservative leader, will use the slogan “plan for change” as the
theme for this year’s party conference.
(Telegraph 235.9.08)
Ludicrous Economic Compound Terms: A guide
Inflation + stagnation = Stagflation
Stringency + Investment = Stringvestment
Growth + Hope+ Saving= Groping
Darling + Brown = Drowning (Private Eye 1219)
Friday, 26 September 2008
Posted by
Britannia Radio