Sunday, 7 September 2008

Obama Crimes

Service of legal documents to DNC and Senator Obama confirmed

Press Release - For Immediate Release: - 09/04/08


Contact information at the end of this press release. Documents filed with the court and a copy of this press release can be downloaded at the end of this press release. 

(Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania – 09/04/08) - Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the Attorney who filed suit against Barack H. Obama challenging Senator Obama’s eligibility to serve as President of the United States, has received confirmation from his Process Service Company that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Senator Barack Obama were served today, September 4, 2008, with the legal documents pertaining to Berg vs. Obama, Civil Action No. 08-cv-4083.

The DNC was served at 12:00 p.m. and Senator Obama was served at 1:00 p.m. The U.S. Attorney’s Office accepted service on behalf of the Federal Elections Committee (FEC) on or about August 22, 2008. 

Philip J. Berg, Esquire
555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531
Cell               (610) 662-3005       
              (610) 825-3134       
              (800) 993-PHIL        [7445]
Fax (610) 834-7659

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Last Updated ( Friday, 05 September 2008 12:36 )

What happens if Obama is removed as the Democratic Party nominee

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We are receiving many emails asking what happens if in fact Senator Obama is forced to step down or is removed as the Democratic Nominee. For this reason, we have posted the Democratic National Comittee's 2008 Call Rules and 
Regulations pertaining to replacement of a Democratic Nominee.

In particular, page 19, Section "G" states:

G. Filling a Vacancy on the National Ticket: In the event of death, resignation or disability of a nominee of the Party for President or Vice President after the adjournment of the National Convention, the National Chairperson of the Democratic National Committee shall confer with the Democratic leadership of the United States Congress and the Democratic Governors Association and shall report to the Democratic National Committee, which is authorized to fill the vacancy or vacancies.
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Download this file (2008 DNC CALL.pdf)2008 DNC CALL.pdf DNC Call to Convention and Rules 482 Kb
Last Updated ( Friday, 29 August 2008 00:12 )

Times-Herald: Born in the U.S.A.?

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PHILADELPHIA - A Lafayette Hill attorney filed a lawsuit in federal court Thursday challenging Sen. Barack Obama's claim to United States citizenship. The action seeks to remove the Democratic candidate from the November ballot.
To be eligible to serve as U.S. president, a person must be born in this country. According to Obama's birth certificate, which his campaign posted on its Internet site in June to quell rumors that he is foreign born, the Illinois senator was born in Hawaii on Aug. 6, 1961.
On Thursday, Philip Berg filed a temporary restraining order in federal court to bar Obama from running for president, claiming the Democratic candidate was actually born in Africa.
"We really don't believe he was born in Hawaii," Berg said. "We think he was born in Kenya."
The presidential candidate's father, Barack Obama Sr., was born and raised in a small village in Kenya, according to Obama's campaign Web site.
Berg's suit claims the senator's grandmother, brother and sister, who live in Kenya, believe they were present during Obama's birth in the African country.
Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, grew up in Kansas, and his parents met at the University of Hawaii when Dunham was a student there, according to the Obama campaign.
Eventually, Obama's father returned to Kenya, and his son grew up in Hawaii with his mother and for a few years in Indonesia after Dunham married an Indonesian man, Lolo Soetoro. Also, Obama lived with his maternal grandparents in Hawaii.
"If he was born in Hawaii, and he was adopted in Indonesia by Lolo Soetoro, (Obama) would lose his citizenship," Berg said.

 Complete story at the Times-Herald

Last Updated ( Monday, 25 August 2008 17:18 )

Lawsuit questions Obama's eligibility for office: citizenship claim at issue

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Jennifer Haberkorn THE WASHINGTON TIMES Thursday, August 28, 2008

Pennsylvania's former deputy attorney general and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton supporter Philip J. Berg has filed a lawsuit in federal court in Pennsylvania accusing presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama of lying about his U.S. citizenship, which would make him ineligible to be president. 

Mr. Berg is one of a faction of Clinton supporters who haven't heeded the party's call for unity, filing the suit just days before the opening of the Democratic National Convention, which will nominate Mr. Obama as the party's presidential candidate. 

The suit, filed in U.S. District Court in Philadelphia last week, also names the Democratic National Committee and the Federal Election Commission and says Mr. Obama´s mother went to Kenya late in her pregnancy and ended up giving birth there. It also claims that later in life, Mr. Obama declared himself a citizen of Indonesia.


Last Updated ( Friday, 05 September 2008 11:09 ) Read more...

Obama Citizenship Lawsuit Info Sheet

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Barack Obama Constitutionally Ineligible to Serve as President of the United States

A lawsuit has been filed to prevent Barack Obama from being the Democratic Party nominee for president because it has been documented that Barack Obama is not a "natural-born citizen" as required by the U.S. Constitution. Obama Campaign claims that the lawsuit has been dismissed are false. The lawsuit is proceding through the federal courts.

Obama's eligibility must be resolved immediately. If Obama's citizenship isn't resolved now, the Republicans will use it for an October surprise. If Obama doesn't meet the constitutional requirements, we need to know it now so the Democrats can nominate a candidate who is eligible and can win in November - before it is too late to do any good.

The initial press release states in part: (Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania – 08/21/08) - Philip J. Berg, Esquire, (Berg is a former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania; former candidate for Governor; former Chair of the Democratic Party in Montgomery County; and former member of Democratic State Committee) filed suit in Federal Court seeking a Declaratory Judgment and an Injunction that Obama does not meet the qualifications to be President of the United States. Berg filed this suit for the best interests of the Democratic Party and the citizens of the United State... The suite states that Senator Obama:
  • Is not a natural-born citizen; and/or
  • Lost his citizenship when he was adopted in Indonesia; and/or
  • Has dual loyalties because of his citizenship with Kenya and Indonesia.
Numerous questions raised about Obama’s background have no satisfactory answers:
  • Where was Obama born? Hawaii; an island off of Hawaii; Kenya; Canada?
  • School records list Obama as a citizen of Indonesia. Was he a citizen of Kenya, Indonesia and/or Canada?
  • Explanation of the names he has used: Barack Obama, Barry Soetoro, Barry Obama, Barack Dunham, & Barry Dunham.
  • Illinois Bar Application – Obama fails to acknowledge use of names other than Barack Hussein Obama, a blatant lie.

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Last Updated ( Friday, 29 August 2008 00:17 )
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