Over 20 Questions the Media Won't Ask Obama
Set forth below are questions that the mainstream media have steadfastly refused to ask the Democratic Party's Presidential candidate.
1. What is your legal name? Is it the same name that appears on your birth certificate?
2. Are you now or have you ever been a citizen of another country? Are you now or have you ever been a citizen of Indonesia?
3. Are you aware that Islamic religious law traces a person's religious identify through the father, and that according to Islamic religious law you were born a Muslim because your biological father was a Muslim?
4. Do you approve of Islamic religious law?
5. Kenya's opposition leader, Raila Odinga, whom you have campaigned for, says he is your cousin. Is he?
6. Do you support the efforts by Muslims to implement Islamic religious law in Kenya, the birthplace of your father, or in any other country?
7. Do you believe that radical islam, or Islamism, is a threat to the United States and to Western civilization?
8. Do you believe Islam is a peaceful and beautiful religion?
9. How does the religion-of-peace claim square with the fact that Muslim groups have carried out more than 11,000 terrorist attacks since 9/11?
10. Are you alarmed by the rise of radical Islam in Europe? Do you think Europe is on the way to becoming a predominantly Muslim continent?
11. How do you respond to those who say that organized Islam and Islamism are today virtually synonymous?
12. Why do you differentiate between America's Islamist enemies--as you made clear in your interview with Bill O'Reilly? Do you believe the ideological or theological differences between Islamist Iran and Islamist Al Qaeda are meaningful in terms of the threat they represent?
13. You have promised to pursue Islamist terrorist networks, but you have avoided mentioning Indonesia, where you were educated as a child, even though Al Qaeda-associated groups have carried out horrific terrorist bombings there. Would you use the American military and intelligence agencies to attack those groups if necessary? Do you think they should have been attacked and destroyed after 9/11?
14. How would you have responded to 9/11 if you were in the White House when the Islamist terrorists struck America in the worst-ever attacks on US soil? Would you have asked Congress for a declaration of war against Afghanistan? Would you have attacked Iran instead of Iraq?
15. Would you ever use tactical nuclear weapons to defend the United States?
16. If Iran, which has threatened to "burn Tel Aviv" and destroy Israel, were to bombard Israel with ballistic massiles, causing thousands of civilian casualties, would Israel, in your opinion, be justified in responding with nuclear weapons?
17. Do you think President Bush should have revoked the visas of all aliens--non-citizens--from predominantly Muslim countries after 9/11? Your supporter, President Carter, revoked Iranian student visas in response to the hostage crisis.
18. Do you believe there are moderates in the Iranian regime?
19. Do you believe there are moderates in Hamas?
20. Do you believe there are moderates in Hezbollah?
Friday, 5 September 2008
Over 20 Questions the Media Won't Ask Obama
Posted by
Britannia Radio