Overheard at the Labour Conference: Part 94
Iain Dale 8:14 AM
And later, Alex Hilton was heard to exclaim to anyone who could hear that he is "beyond caring". Presumably about the effect of the LabourHome poll on his parliamentary candidacy in Chelsea & Fulham...
I don't know if you know, but Gordon Brown was speaking to a party members only event tonight in a large marquee outside the conference hall. The subject of his talk was international poverty and how he was going to go to the UN on Thursday to sort it all out. However, as he finished speaking and when people started flooding out of the tent, I heard a number of people complaining about what he said in the tent. The discussion that particularly sticks out in my mind is:
Labour delegate 1: "I don't give a f*** what he's doing for poverty around the world - I want to know what he's doing for poverty here, in this country. "
Labour delegate 2 nods
Labour delegate 1: "And I bet he doesn't even f***ing know what Facebook is"
Sunday, 21 September 2008
My correspondents from Manchesterford have been busy overnight. One sent me this...
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