Political & Cultural Elections, and the Votes that Really Matter
This election season, my pen has directed many slings and arrows Barack Obama’s way. I criticized John McCain, too, but that was during the primaries. Now there is what I perceive to be a clear and present danger in the person of a slick demagogue, so my sights – and my site – are trained in one particular direction. Because of this, however, I sometimes receive emails from disenchanted rightist voters. “What do you have to say about McCain?” some ask. “How is he any better than Obama?”......http://www.newswithviews.com/Duke/selwyn99.htmby Selwyn Duke
McCain Sending Palin to The U.N.?
John McCain may send Sarah Palin to the United Nations next week in order to “boost” her foreign policy credentials, according to media reports. The McCain campaign seems to think that having Palin rubbing elbows with the global elite and international bureaucrats will make her look good. But that’s like visiting Lehman Brothers to accentuate her economic expertise. She should tell the McCain campaign, “Thanks, but no thanks.”.......http://www.newswithviews.com/Kincaid/cliff252.htmby Cliff Kincaid
Wait a Minute, What's Going On?
The U.S. government seized control of American International Group Inc. The $85 billion deal has signaled the intensity of concerns about the danger a collapse to the financial system and sparked a myriad of questions and accusations. This is an epic do over and marks a dramatic flip for the federal government. Originally the feds had been strongly resistant to overtures from AIG for an emergency loan or some flavor of intervention that would prevent the insurer from falling into bankruptcy........http://www.newswithviews.com/metcalf/metcalf265.htmby Geoff Metcalf
McCain/Palin Need to Win This Election
When is the leftist media and Obama camp going to jump into Governor Sarah Palin’s underwear drawer? The smear machine on the Obama/Media left has all but gone for that. Its just a matter of time before they demand that information. Lets see, her private email has been hacked, her daughter maligned, her quality record poked into then lied about, her prenatal choices attacked, she’s a racist, an extreme evangelical Christian, has too little experience, on and on. Frankly, I find McCain’s choice for V.P. a refreshing window of God’s mercy......http://www.newswithviews.com/Roth/laurie132.htmby Laurie Roth
Saturday, 20 September 2008
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Britannia Radio