China Confidential
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Palin Survives ABC Ambush
Dateline USA....
As if to confirm that the liberal media is mobilizing its resources to elect Barack Hussein Obama, left-leaning ABC News dispatched one of its most pompous and arrogant talking heads, Princeton- and prep school-educated Charles "Charlie" deWolf Gibson to ambush Republican Presidential candidate Sarah Palin.
He failed to complete his mission. Peering down across the tops of his spectacles like a stern headmaster, Gibson at times succeeded in putting Palin under pressure during the taped sit-down in her home in Wasilla, Alaska. Overall, however, the Governor held her own; and Gibson came off like an "articulate jerk," as this reporter's J-School professor, the late, legendary CBS news producer, Fred Friendly, used to say.Saudi Judge Approves Killing TV Network Owners
Foreign Confidential....
From Saudi Arabia, the head-slicing, hate-mongering, petro-tyranny that brought you Osama Binladen and 9/11, comes the following revealing news item:
AP reports that the country's top judiciary official has issued a religious decree saying it is permissible to kill the owners of satellite TV networks that broadcast immoral content.
The news service says the 79-year-old Sheik Saleh al-Lihedan said Thursday that satellite channels cause the "deviance of thousands of people."
Al-Lihedan is chief of the kingdom's highest tribunal, the Supreme Judiciary Council.
Foaming Fatwas
Saudi Arabia's judiciary is made up of Islamic clerics whose decrees, or fatwas, on everyday issues are widely respected. Their fatwas do not have the weight of law. In the courts, cleric-judges rule according to Islamic law, but interpretations can vary.
The aging lunatic was answering listeners' questions during the daily "Light in the Path" radio program in which he and other clerical fascists make rulings on what is permissible under barbaric Islamic law.
One caller asked about Islam's view of the owners of satellite TV channels that show "bad programs" during Ramadan.
"I want to advise the owners of these channels, who broadcast calls for such indecency and impudence ... and I warn them of the consequences," the crazy cleric aid.
"What does the owner of these networks think, when he provides seduction, obscenity and vulgarity?" he said.
"Those calling for corrupt beliefs, certainly it's permissible to kill them," he said. "Those calling for sedition, those who are able to prevent it but don't, it is permissible to kill them."
Encouraging Jihad in Iraq
Among the most viewed Arabic satellite networks is Rotana, which airs movies and music videos. It is owned by Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal--an Obama-backer, billionaire businessman, and member of the royal family whom Forbes ranks as the world's 13th richest person.
Al-Lihedan sparked controversy in the past by issuing a decree that Saudis can join jihadists to fight US troops in Iraq.
"If someone knows that he is capable of entering Iraq in order to join the fight, and if his intention is to raise up the word of God, then he is free to do so," he said, warning that entering Iraq is risky because "evil satellites and drone aircraft" watch the borders. But going and killing Americans is religiously permissible, he said.
"The lawfulness of his action is in fighting an enemy who is fighting Muslims and came for war," he said.
He also said those donating money to the fight in Iraq should be sure it actually helps the cause.
The kingdom's top cleric recently banned birthday cake as un-Islamic.
Another leading cleric recently told a TV audience that Western "beasts" use colored underwear to "conceal their filth" and that Allah wants Islam to rule the world.
Analysts agree that the clerics and judges show the real face of Saudi Arabia.Friday, September 12, 2008
Their Dinner With Mahmoud: US Church Groups Planning to Break Ramadan Fast With Ahmadinejad
Dateline USA....
In the years leading up to World War II, misguided, masochistic pacifists and leftists joined right-wing, pro-Nazi isolationists and European advocates of appeasement in opposing efforts to combat Hitler Germany.
The pacifist Ghandi, who wrote letters to Hitler, addressing the monster as "my friend," transcended the politics of appeasement. He argued that the Jews should accept their deaths at the hands of the Nazis, and that they should die with dignity--without fighting--as martyrs.
History is repeating itself, as shown by news that several US religious groups are planning to dine with Iran's Hitlerian, Holocaust-denying maniac-in-chief, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad during his upcoming visit to the United States.
The Mennonite Central Committee, the Quakers, the World Council of Churches--which has launched its own version of a global jihad against Israel--Religions for Peace, and the American Friends Service Committee are sponsoring the meeting with Ahmadinejad on September 25 in New York City. The Iranian leader, a front man for the nuclear-arming, clerical fascist mullahocracy, has repeatedly threatened to destroy Israel (he likes to use terms like "exterminate" and "wipe off the map") and bomb US military bases across the Middle East. How appetizing for America- and Israel-hating clergy!
The dinner to break the Ramadan fast, called an Iftar, is being billed as an international dialogue between religious leaders and political figures in a conversation "about the role of religions in tackling global challenges and building peaceful societies."
One can only pray for a case of mass food poisoning. That would be divine.Tolerance of Islam's Rise is Suicidal
The West is asleep at the switch.
Seven years after 9/11, mega-mosques are rising in Europe, and Islamic centers are flourishing and expanding in the United States.
Islam's supporters and sympathizers--including the useful idiots in poliitics, academia, and the media, and America's first Muslim-born, Hamas-endorsed Presidential candidate, Barack Hussein Obama--claim that the spread of Islamic institutions is a good thing, a tribute to Western democratic values and Western ideals of tolerance and pluralism.
Nonsense. The spread of Islam in the West is proof of Western weakness and stupidity--an ingrained, suicidal urge by liberals to tolerate terrorists, extremists, and violent criminals and condemn those who ring the alarm bells and rally to the defense of liberty.
The post-9/11 rise of Islam in Europe and the US is also proof of Islamist cunning and skill.
Simply put, Islamism--the clerical fascist creed spawned by and now firmly in control of an inherently intolerant, backward, and war-like religion, Islam--is using democracy to destroy democracy, Western legal systems to wage lawfare against the West.
Islamic institutions are essentially instruments of conquest and repression--conquest of all those who do not believe in Islam and repression of Muslims living with the reach of these institutions. The mosques and study centers are forward bases and sanctuaries from which campaigns for imposition of barbaric Islamic religious law, establishment and expansion of strategically significant, segregated Muslim spaces, and freedom and protection for Muslim terrorists can be plotted, planned, and conducted.
It is dangerously delusional to dream of reforming Islam or Islamism--idiotic to believe in the emergence of democratic Islam or moderate Islamism. The religion and the political ideology are impossibly intertwined, one and the same for all practical purposes.
Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran and Al Qaeda are all much more popular in the Muslim world than the West's weak-minded political and opinion leaders would have you believe.Homeland Security Scandal: In Islamizing Michigan, Judges and Candidates Bow to Hezbollah Backers
9/12/08 ... only a year and a day since the Islamist incineration of nearly 3,000 innocent Americans ... and the dispatches from the home front in the so-called War on Terror are deeply disturbing.
Debbie Schlussel's report on developments in Michigan dramatically illustrates how Democrats and Republicans alike are caving in to the Islamist menace. Schlussel writes:Recently, I told you about Judge Diane Hathaway, the Detroit-area judge who sentenced avowed Hezbollah terrorist Houssein Ali Zorkot to probation. As you'll recall, Zorkot was caught in a Dearbornistan park practicing maneuvers with his AK-47, and announced on his pro-Hezbollah website that he was beginning his personal jihad in the United States. As I noted, because Hathaway gave him probation, Zorkot--a medical student--can likely still become a licensed doctor in Michigan and elsewhere.
Well, Saturday, at the Michigan Democratic Party convention, Democrats nominated Hathaway as their candidate in November for the Michigan Supreme Court.
Unfortunately, Hathaway's race is emblematic of many of the catch-22s in which those of use who care about freedom and fighting jihad find ourselves.
You see, Hathaway's opponent, sitting Michigan Supreme Court Justice, Republican Clifford Taylor, took campaign money from open Hezbollah supporter and key American Hezbollah agent Ali Jawad, who pleaded guilty in federal court to a giant insurance fraud scam involving various members of the Islamic community. In April, John McCain dumped Ali Jawad from his Michigan campaign finance committee.
Click here to continue reading this important article.
VIDEO POSTSCRIPT: US Congressman Keith Ellison rallying Dearborn Muslims for Obama....
Saturday, 13 September 2008
Dateline USA....
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Britannia Radio