Tuesday, 23 September 2008

These three spivs have brought us the morality of the souk

Last updated at 12:15 AM on 23rd September 2008

All you need to know about politicians is that Keith Vaz is described as 'The Right Honourable'. That he is also chairman of the House of Commons home affairs select committee is a disgrace.

Vaz is a liar who was suspended from Parliament for a month for giving ' misleading' and 'disingenuous' evidence to the official inquiry into the Hinduja 'cash for passports' affair.

That alone should have been enough to disqualify him from sitting as an MP and ensure that he never held any kind of high office.

The 'Three Musketeers': Keith Vaz, 'Sean' Mireskandari and Ali Dizaei

But in the moral and ethical sewer which New Labour has created, after a short spell in the sin bin for Vaz it was everybody back on the coach.

Unrepentant, arrogant, he has not only survived, but prospered and now chairs one of the most prestigious committees at Westminster.

His latest trick is trying to nobble a judge hearing a case against a bent solicitor friend.

Vaz and the lawyer in question, 'Sean' Mireskandari, are two-thirds of a triumvirate of wide boys known as the 'Three Musketeers'. The third is that walking stain on the integrity of the Metropolitan Police, Ali Dizaei.

As Stephen Wright and Richard Pendlebury have revealed in their brilliant exposé in the Mail, these three chancers are as thick as thieves - ruthlessly playing the race card to disguise their chicanery and advance their careers.

Hilariously, now that he's been rumbled - again - Vaz claims he hardly knows Mireskandari, the crooked brief who has launched a flotilla of vexatious law suits, including the outrageous million-pound punt for 'racial discrimination' being brought against the Old Bill by the over-promoted Tarique Ghaffur.

We are asked to believe that it's merely a coincidence that Vaz and his wife have enjoyed Mireskandari's sumptuous hospitality at Wembley, the 02 arena and the opera.

And that Mireskandari just happened to turn up on a Vaz-led House of Commons jolly to Moscow. As you do.

This, of course, had absolutely no connection with Mireskandari's stated aim to corner the market in wealthy Russians living in London.

Apparently, when questioned about his best mate's presence on the delegation, Vaz screwed up his forehead and feigned ignorance. 'I think it's Shahrokh Mireskandari,' he said.

Sorry, Keith, I'm going to have to hurry you on this. Would you like to phone a friend, or ask the audience?

Oh, all right, then. It does look a bit like him. What's he doing here? Haven't got the foggiest, old boy.

Maybe Vaz forgot all about presenting Mireskadari with the Asian Lawyer of the Year Award just three months earlier. These lawyers all look alike to the untrained eye. 

Perhaps it had slipped his mind that 'Sean' had been auctioneer at a bash for a charity, of which Vaz is patron. Easy mistake to make.

Then there was the time that the wealthy family of one of Mireskandari's clients, facing a death-by-dangerous-driving charge, found themselves purely by chance sitting on Vaz's table at a £1,000-a-plate Labour fund-raiser. 

This would be the same client Ali Dizaei was advising on how to beat the rap - an allegation that has seen the longoverdue withdrawal of his warrant card.

Just in case Vaz needs another little clue, he might just recall giving the eulogy at the funeral of Mireskandari's mother. After paying a glowing, deeply-moving tribute to the old girl, Vaz did admit that he'd never actually met her. Which was hardly surprising, since she died in Iran.

The 'right honourable' member says there is nothing unusual in this. As an MP, he is often asked to deliver eulogies to people he hasn't met.

Maybe there's a whole new career as an after-funeral speaker when he finally gets kicked out of the Commons. Keith Vaz's Drive-By Eulogies.

What Vaz, Mireskandari and Dizaei all have in common is a shameless, ruthless ability to squeal 'racism' at every opportunity. And such is the cowardice of the New Labour Establishment that they get away with it time and again.

They believe they are untouchable because of their ethnicity. And, up until now, they've been proven right.

Only in New Labour's Britain could a convicted fraudster like Mireskandari thrive as a 'respected' solicitor. Only in New Labour's emasculated Metropolitan Police could a preening thug like Dizaei rise to become a commander.

Only in New Labour's discredited, devalued house of varieties at Westminster could a dishonest, two-bob shyster like Vaz achieve the chairmanship of an important Commons committee.

These men have brought the politics and moral values of the souk to public life in Britain. And the most disgusting aspect is the craven manner in which senior politicians from the Prime Minister downwards have connived in their spivvery and cynical opportunism.

Finally, a judge confronted with a monstrous attempt by Vaz to interfere in the judicial process on behalf of his crooked crony has cried: 'Enough'.

Mr Justice Coulson should haul Vaz before the court and force him to explain himself. I'm sure the judge could probably rustle up a charge of contempt if he put his mind to it.

The 'Three Musketeers' need to be reminded forcibly that the rules do apply to them.

If Gordon Brown has any remaining shred of decency left, he should withdraw the Labour whip from Vaz and demand his resignation as both an MP and chairman of the select committee. He could start by asking him what, precisely, a convicted fraudster was doing on a parliamentary trip to Moscow.

No doubt, Vaz will squeal 'racism' and have his bent brief sue for millions. Let him. Calling Keith Vaz 'honourable' is like describing Ali Dizaei as 'self-effacing' and Mireskandari 'honest'.

They deserve each other. But British public life, if it is not to descend forever into the gutter of a Third World bazaar, doesn't deserve any of them.

Would you like that Mars Bar deep or shallow fried?

My crack about deep-fried Mars Bars in relation to Scottish life-expectancy has attracted some lively correspondence. Some Scots seem to think this is an urban myth, got up by the English.

Not so. I've eaten a deep-fried Mars Bar - and there's film to prove it. Once I get my website up and running, I'll dig out the clip and post it.


In Houston, west of Glasgow, there was a chippie next to a sweet shop which had a sign in the window promising: 'You buy it, we'll fry it.' They did deep-fried pizzas, too, I seem to remember.

Stephen Massey writes from Scotland to assure me he is in perfect health: 'I smoke only a few pounds of tobacco a week, drink only Irn-Bru to excess (albeit with vodka) and always insist that my Mars Bars are shallow-fried. 

'The notion that Scots smoke, drink and eat too much is a myth, along with the idea that we are prone to violence. 

'I will conclude this perhaps overly civil e-mail by stating that if there any more remarks about Scots and unhealthy lifestyles, I'll come down there and punch your face in.' See you, pal.


A wide-eyed George Michael

What does George have to do to get his collar felt?

If anyone else had been caught lurking in a public toilet, with Class A drugs, he would rightly expect a hefty penalty. 

Possession of crack cocaine, for instance, carries a prison sentence of up to seven years and an unlimited fine.

Yet for just such an offence, George Michael has just been let off - again.

What does this sad case have to do to get a punishment which fits the crime? It's not as if he hasn't got previous.

No one can possibly believe he feels any remorse. When he was nicked for flashing in a toilet in Los Angeles, he went straight out and made a urinal-studded video poking fun at the cops.

His gormless cheerleaders claimed his arrest was all about 'homophobia'. I can remember asking at the time: what if he'd done it in the Ladies? Answer came there none.

After this latest incident the police decided not to charge him after he said 'sorry'.

So that's all right, then. Next time you get a parking ticket, try saying 'sorry' and see how far that gets you.

Anyway, call me old-fashioned, but I don't get the attraction of public toilets.

Some years ago, on another newspaper, we learned that a colleague had been arrested for cottaging on Barnes Common. 

One old soak overheard the conversation in the pub and interjected: 'But I know those toilets. I wouldn't even go for a pee there, let alone entertain a young lady.'

A suicidal investigation

The last thing the Met needs right now is the Jean-Charles de Menezes inquest. It should have been held ages ago and a verdict of accidental death recorded.

Turning this into a cause celebre does no one any favours, except for the usual Trots and trouble-makers.

I have always been of the opinion that this was a tragic mistake, no more. Try putting yourselves in the minds of those officers who believed they were tailing another suicide bomber in the wake of the July 7 attacks.

Police may have pulled the trigger, but this young man was another casualty of war - as much a victim of Muslim fanatics as those who were killed and injured by the bombs on the London transport network.

Beating up the Old Bill over this serves no useful purpose. At some stage, a police marksman will have to make the same decision in the case of a real terrorist. We don't want him hesitating for fear of being dragged through the courts.

Jean-Charles de Menezes was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Let's leave it at that.

We can live with the disappointment, Gordon...

Gordon Brown says he is staying on as Prime Minister because resigning would be 'letting the people down'.

I think we can probably live with the disappointment.