Friday, 12 September 2008

Thursday, 11th September 2008

Greenwashing a jury


Britain’s astounding retreat from reason is now legitimising anarchy. A jury has solemnly decided that it is ok to break the law and cause more than £35,000 criminal damage to a coal-fired power station because of the threat of man-made global warming. The Independent reports:

In a verdict that will have shocked ministers and energy companies the jury at Maidstone Crown Court cleared six Greenpeace activists of criminal damage. Jurors accepted defence arguments that the six had a ‘lawful excuse’ to damage property at Kingsnorth power station in Kent to prevent even greater damage caused by climate change.

Apparently they reached this decision having sat through a propaganda barrage by militant mmgw fanatics, including the pioneer evangelist James Hansen and the activist (and Tory party green guru) Zac Goldsmith. The story does not record whether the...

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