Triangulating an Asian Conflict
By Chan Akya
One of the more predictable turns during any US presidential election year is the sheer speed with which issues of longer-term strategic importance are quietly subsumed by a global media fed a steady diet of soap-operatic drama on the candidates, their spouses, born and unborn children and so on. Continue
Jon Stewart : On Sarah Palin Hypocrisy
Video - Posted 06/09/08
Wednesday night on "The Daily Show," Jon Stewart hit Karl Rove and Bill O'Reilly with damning evidence of their hypocrisy regarding Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin.
While Rove recently praised Palin's experience as the mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, Stewart showed video of Rove trashing Virginia Governor — and former Richmond Mayor — Tim Kaine's executive experience, listing all the cities that are bigger than Richmond and calling such a pick "political."
Then, after recent video of O'Reilly describing Bristol Palin's pregnancy as a family issue, Stewart showed a clip of the Fox News host blaming Jamie Lynn Spears' parents for her teenage pregnancy.
Finally, after showing video of Dick Morris complaining about the rampant sexism in the media coverage of Sarah Palin, Stewart unveiled a clip of Morris saying that Hillary hides behind the sexism defense, and that anytime "the big boys" pick on Hillary, "she retreats behind the apron strings."
"In Dick Morris' defense," Stewart said, "he is a lying sack of sh*t."
Government to Wipe Out Fannie/Freddie Shareholders by Sunday
By Peter Cohan
And now what could become history's biggest transfer of tax dollars to bail out bad lending begins. Continue
U.S. to take control of Fannie and Freddie: reports: The two government sponsored enterprises (GSEs) own or guarantee almost half of the country's $12 trillion in outstanding home mortgage debt.
Silver State Bank in Nevada is shut: Regulators shut failed Silver State Bank in Nevada; 11th bank failure this year
Bank Tied To John McCain's Son Goes Under: Andrew K. McCain, a son of Republican presidential nominee John McCain, sat on the boards of Silver State Bank and of its parent, Silver State Bancorp. Andrew McCain also was a member of the bank's audit committee, responsible for oversight of the company's accounting.
9% of homeowners are late with bill or in foreclosure, study says: An industry group says a record 9.2% of American homeowners with a mortgage were either behind on their payments or in foreclosure at the end of June, as damage from the housing crisis continued to mount.