Ukraine, EU: A Closer Relationship?By Veronica Khokhlova With the EU still digesting the 2004 and 2007 enlargement waves, experiencing the Romania-Bulgaria fatigue syndrome, and dealing with an internal problem caused by Ireland’s vote against the Lisbon constitution treaty, ...Global Voices Online » Middle... -
Myth behind the origin of PDsOraz think it is incredible that the czwarta władza portrays the potential blocking of the accession owo the EU of Croatia, Macedonia and possibly Turkey tuz i kłopot caused iżby Ireland’s rejection of the Reform Treaty mąż June 12. ...Health -
Article Kemalism by Perry AndersonBy M.A.M(M.A.M) Within the EU the official consensus that it should become a member-state in full standing has for some time now been overwhelming. Such agreement does not exclude arrière-pensées in this or that government – Germany, France and Austria ...Mavi Boncuk Archives -
RESEARCH IN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENTBy cambridgeforecast Article 31(3)(c) of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties obliges a treaty interpreter to take into account “any relevant rules of international law applicable in the relations between the parties”. ...Cambridge Forecast Group Blog -
Libertarian events and the Devil abroad...By Devil's Kitchen(Devil's Kitchen) This topic is not my forte: however, for what it is worth, my view is that state-imposed regulations often provide massive barriers to entry for small businesses—the EU's REACH Directive would be a classic example of this—and thus prop ...The Devil's Kitchen -
‘’ Which Will Hook Up NHS Providers With Healthcare ...By admin The EU Procurement Directives set out the legal framework for public procurement. These Directives are implemented in UK law by Regulations. Health care services come under Part B of EU advertising rules, where only some of the EU ...Pharmacy Related News -
Europeanisation of Product Liability in the Asia-Pacific Region: A ...By yh2008 It also seems likely that the Asia-Pacific region will continue to follow more the EU in related areas such as consumer access to justice and product safety regulation, and such harmonization may accompany the proliferating Free Trade ...article2-2009 -
Sunday, 21 September 2008
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Britannia Radio