1. US Won't Help Israel Attack Iranby Ze'ev Ben-Yechiel ![]()
Israel would not be allowed to refuel its military planes in Iraq, or even use Iraqi airspace for a flyover on the way to Iran. Even if Israeli jets were to reach Iran, they might not be able to carry powerful enough bombs to do the job. The U.S. has refused to supply Israel with equipment such as bunker-buster bombs critical in destroying heavily fortified nuclear installations. Israeli officials have been in talks with their American counterparts for several months over specific requests for military assistance, and U.S.reticence over an Israeli strike has led American military and diplomatic officials to decide against supporting what they see as Israel’s growing commitment to an attack on Iran. Among the requests most critical for a successful Israeli solo strike on Iran is the ability to use Iraqi air fields as a refueling point for Israel’s fighter-bomber fleet that would be used in the attack. The dropping of guided bombs on targets as small and sensitive as a nuclear reactor requires the precision and agility that could be likely achieved only by a very low-altitude release. The distance between Israel and Iran’s nuclear reactor at Bushehr is over 800 miles. A large bomber aircraft would have the fuel range for such a non-stop round-trip flight from Israel. However, the necessity of a low-altitude approach to the target, combined with the heavier aircraft’s low speed and maneuverability and lack of sufficient armaments such as rockets or cannon, would render it extremely vulnerable to anti-aircraft fire or attacking Iranian jets. Last December, Russia installed one of its latest anti-aircraft missile networks in the hostile Islamic Republic. Such operations are therefore usually performed with supersonic fighter-bomber aircraft, such as the F-15s and F-16s used in the 1981 bombing of Iraq’s Osirak nuclear reactor and last year’s bombing of the nascent Syrian reactors. However, these aircraft do not have the fuel range to safely make a trip to Iran and back without refueling. Unless the Israeli planes would be able to refuel somewhere along the way – American-occupied Iraq being the only viable choice – a bombing run on Iran would likely become a suicide mission. Even if Israeli pilots volunteered for a kamikaze mission, the expense of the aircraft, in addition to the risk of Iran obtaining the Israeli-modified jets – some of the most advanced in the world – even in partially destroyed condition, would make it unlikely that Israel’s Defense Ministry would approve of such an attack. Israeli aircraft would not need to actually land in Iraq to refuel, as it is common practice to refuel in the air using long-range air tankers. However, the tankers that the Israeli Air Force currently has are outdated, making it difficult to coordinate refueling for such a long-distance mission. To address this concern, Israel reportedly requested the more modern Boeing 767-based refueling tankers, but the U.S. has also rejected this request, as reported several weeks ago by Israel’s Channel 10 television. Even if the Israeli jets were able to be refueled in the air by long-range air tankers, a mission to Iran would require an overflight of Iraq, the only country that would possibly be willing to allow Israeli aircraft in its airspace. A glance at El-Al passenger flight routes from an in-flight magazine illustrates this clearly: Flights en route to Asia and the Far East, normally represented by graceful curves for non-Israeli airlines, suddenly become sharp turns northward or southward in order avoid flying over Middle Eastern countries. However, the United States has apparently refused to authorize Israel to fly over Iraq as well, and according to one report, American officials told their Israeli counterparts to ask permission from the Iraqi prime minister themselves. It is very unlikely that Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki would volunteer to allow Israel to use his country’s airspace without pressure from the U.S., since such a move would antagonize many Arab countries in the region. In an apparent attempt to compensate for its unwillingness to assist Israel’s needs for an Iran strike, the U.S. has offered to deliver an advanced radar warning system, to be installed in the Negev and manned by a permanent U.S. staff working alongside Israeli military personnel. The Pentagon has apparently placed the order already. Meanwhile, a spokeswoman for the Russian state-owned company building Iran’s Bushehr reactor announced last week that the construction of the reactor will reach a state of “no return” by early 2009. While a better radar system promises to greatly enhance Israel’s ability to detect a long-range aerial attack from Iran, Israel may soon be left with no realistic option to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities and no time to find another solution. ![]() 2. Deri's Oslo Record Haunts Himby Hillel Fendel ![]() The candidacy of former Shas Party leader Aryeh Deri for Mayor of Jerusalem has reminded many city residents of his role in advancing the Oslo process. Deri led the Shas Party politically from 1984 until he was forced to resign in 1999 following his conviction on bribery charges. The MKs of Shas abstained in the first Oslo Accords vote in the Knesset in 1993, and voted against the Second Oslo Agreement in 1995. However, this does not tell the full story. Shas joined with Meretz and Labor in 1992 to form the Rabin government that forged the Oslo Accords. Without the six Knesset seats of Shas, the 62-member government coalition would have fallen. As Gideon Levy has written in Haaretz (Dec. 3, '07), "Deri's Shas was not a left-wing party, but it... refrained from undermining the first Oslo agreement." Steven Bayme of the American Jewish Committee put it this way: "Deri was a key player in the Oslo Accords signed with the Palestinians." Labor Newspaper: Labor/Deri for Oslo In February 1997, when the hareidi-religious newspaper Yated Ne'eman uncovered the above report, the judicial organization B'Tzedek called for an investigation as to whether there were criminal aspects to the above understanding reached between the Rabin government and representatives of Aryeh Deri. The deal was apparently not implemented, however. Character Witnesses Praise His Oslo Stance At least one commentator, Attorney Elyakim HaEtzni of Kiryat Arba, raised questions at the time about the propriety of implications that one who supported Oslo should have his prison sentence reduced. Slogans Against Deri The heretofore hareidi-religious candidate, Meir Porush, will probably not run if Deri does, so as not to split the hareidi sector's vote. Deri has received the blessing of the renowed sage, Rabbi Shalom Yosef Elyashiv. Marzel: Deri is the Same Deri Deri also faces another obstacle in his bid to become mayor. The law states that he must wait seven years from the time he left prison until he seeks public office - and only six years have passed. He must receive permission from President Shimon Peres, and then presumably from the Supreme Court, to have the cooling-off period reduced. He served two years of his three-year sentence. ![]() 3. 9/11: Arabs Still Blame the Jewsby Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu ![]() Academics and the "man on the street" in the Arab world still blame the Jews and Israel for the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks that devastated the US and punctured the American image of being impossible to penetrate. Arab media have widely claimed that Arabs are the biggest victims of the attacks. A New York Times man-on-the-street survey revealed disbelief that Arab terrorists were behind the attacks, and many still outright accuse Israel and the United States of planning the aerial crashes that leveled the World Trade Center twin towers in New York City. "Look, I don’t believe what your governments and press say. It just cannot be true," The Times quoted Ahmed Issab, a Syrian engineer who lives and works in the United Arab Emirates. "I think the US organized this so that they had an excuse to invade Iraq for the oil.” Pakistani native Mohammed Jamil, writing in the Pakistan Observer justified the terrorists' motives, citing American-Israeli collusion. "There is a widespread perception that the U.S. leadership used 9/11 events to implement its program of controlling the world resource," he wrote. "American President George W. Bush always turned a blind eye towards Israeli repression, state terrorism and killings of thousands of Palestinians…. On examining the initial statements of Osama bin Laden one could infer that Al Qaeda had twin objectives vis-a-vis the liberation of Palestine and exit of US forces from Saudi Arabia. "Even the date Al Qaeda terrorists chose for their attack showed their true motivation, as September 11 is the anniversary of the League of Nations’ proclaiming in Palestine the British Mandate in 1922. The date represents the first physical step toward the implementation of the Balfour Declaration and establishment of Israel. This fact was never revealed because the world media is under the control of Jews… It was a calculated lie to divert the Americans from associating the disaster with the United States support for Israel." Jamil added that "any country that bombs another country creates millions of angry enemies against it." The Times street survey also showed that Arabs blame American foreign policy for the 9/11 attacks. "Maybe people who executed the operation were Arabs, but the brains? No way,” said Mohammed Ibrahim, a clothing-store owner Cairo told the newspaper. "It was organized by other people, the United States or the Israelis." Many Arabs still spread the rumor that Jews did not go to work at the World Trade Center the morning of the attack, although there were indeed many Jews who died in the resulting blaze and collapse of the skyscraper. Another Egyptian claimed that the real reason Americans have not captured Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden is that he was not behind the attacks. "What happened in Iraq confirms that it has nothing to do with bin Laden or Qaeda. They went against Arabs and against Islam to serve Israel, that’s why," he claimed. Dr. Ahmad Mustafa wrote in GulfNews.com that Arabs are the real victims of 9/11. He said the attacks have intensified a negative image of Muslims, which has reinforced violence. Dr. Azzam Tamimi, director of the London-based Institute of Islamic Political Thought stated, "9/11 has become the biggest blackmail in modern history after the Holocaust. Zionists continue to blackmail Europeans because of the Holocaust while the Americans now blackmail the Arabs and the Muslims because of what happened on 11 September 2001." ![]() 4. YeshaCouncil Castigates B'Tselemby Hillel Fendel ![]() The Yesha Council attacks the latest report by Israel's radical left-wing B'Tselem organization, which calls for the eviction of all Jews from Yesha. The report, released this morning, states that "settlers" took over tens of thousands of dunams (one dunam = 1/4 acre) from "Palestinian areas." The report also accuses Israel of blocking Arab access to lands around Jewish towns. The Yesha Council of Jewish Communities of Judea and Samaria responded sharply: "B'Tselem's objective is solely to expel the 300,000 Jews of Judea and Samaria, and to this end it is willing to lie, deceive and incite." "This report, even more than its predecessors, reveals B'Tselem to be a nationalistic Palestinian group camouflaged as a civil rights organization," the Yesha Council stated. "This time, they go so far as to demand an end to the security measures decided upon by the IDF around the Jewish towns - even though B'Tselem knows that this will make it easier to murder Jews." B'Tselem says the settlers use violence to take over Arab lands, sometimes with the protection of army forces. Cases like the recent house arrest and expulsion of three residents of Asael, which appear to belie these claims, were not mentioned in the report. B'Tselem does note the Israelis' security concerns, mentioning that 31 Jews were murdered, and many more were wounded, in the settlements between 2002 and 2004. It then proceeds to say that the entire Yesha settlement enterprise must be destroyed: "Since it is illegal, Israel must empty out all the settlements... All security actions must be taken in the framework of a process to evict all the settlers and return them to Israel." Orit Strook, who heads the Hevron-based Yesha Civil Rights Organization, said, "This report, like others by B'Tselem, calls for ethnic cleansing. A group making this call cannot call itself a civil rights organization." "The report ignores the Jews' most basic right," Strook said, "namely, the right to live." ![]() 5. Swastika Epidemic in USby Ze'ev Ben-Yechiel ![]() An epidemic of swastikas has spread in the United States in recent days. Police are scrambling to find suspects as Nazi symbols and other anti-Semitic graffiti have appeared on storefronts, synagogues and other locations in dozens of locations across the country. Many incidents occurred over the Labor Day holiday. Rewards have been offered for the finding of the culprits. In Arizona, graffiti “artists” spray-painted swastikas on several buildings, including a Family Dollar store. Some of the swastikas were accompanied by a painted circle with an “x” running through it and the words “Say No” appearing in the middle. Police are looking for the culprits of these attacks and others in the area, including the painting of swastikas and other anti-Semitic messages on a traffic sign, a garage door and several mailboxes. On Sunday, near Boston, Massachusetts, a swastika was found scratched into the door of a Reform temple. Suspects have yet to be found after Rabbi Benjamin Lefkowitz found the Nazi symbol on the door of Temple Beth Sholom in the town of Hull, according to the local newspaper The Patriot Ledger. Jewish institutions in Georgia and California also became the repeated targets of swastika tagging over the weekend. The same Sunday of the Hull, Mass. attack, the Atlanta Jounal-Constitution reported that in the Atlanta, Georgia suburb of Sandy Springs, a swastika was found painted on a stop sign near a Jewish day school. It was the second time in a month that the area near the Epstein School has been targeted with swastikas. Sandy Springs police announced Tuesday that they were doubling the reward offered for information leading to the capture and conviction of the perpetrators, from $2,500 to $5,000. Over the weekend, vandals painted a swastika on a Conservative synagogue northeast of San Diego, California. The San Diego Sheriff’s Department reported that it was the third time since April that Temple Ner Tamid in Poway was targeted with anti-Semitic graffiti. Local authorities reported that the synagogue, serving some 120 families, was targeted in May with “white-supremacist letters, numbers and signs”, including symbols that apparently meant “Heil Hitler.” The Anti-Defamation League, an organization founded to combat anti-Semitism and other hate crimes, led a number of other organizations in offering a cash reward of $11,500 for information helping the police to apprehend the suspects in the Ner Tamid case. In upstate New York, a swastika was discovered Saturday morning on a local synagogue by postal workers. Goldie Goldberg, president of the Kerhonkson Synagogue, said that until it was painted over the swastika was large enough to be visible from the road. Kerhonkson is a small community about 70 miles north of New York City near the Catskill Mountains, an area long known for its numerous summer resorts catering to Jewish families. The synagogue serves about 40 families. In St. Cloud, Minnesota, paper cutouts of the letters “KKK” – likely a reference to the white supremacist Ku Klux Klan – were found Monday taped to the wall of an elevator of a residence hall on the campus of St. Cloud State University. Police say that the case may be linked to the appearance last year of more than a dozen swastikas and other racist images, carved or written on walls, bathroom stalls and elevators across the St. Paul-Minneapolis-area campus. Last Thursday, an 18-year-old in Longview, Washington, was arrested for assaulting an interracial couple. Shawn Mooney wore a cap with a swastika during the attack, and police are also questioning him in a case of swastikas that were found spray-painted on the home of a black family in the town. ![]() 6. Rabbinate Council Electionsby Hillel Fendel ![]() Elections for the Chief Rabbinate Council will be held in less than two weeks, and candidates are lining up. The deadline for submitting candidacy is this Monday, Sept. 15, eight days before the election. Elections for the council are held every five years. The Chief Rabbinate Council is the supreme public religious body in Israel, entrusted with determining policy on many religious issues. It comprises 16 rabbis: Six permanent members - the two Chief Rabbis of Israel, and the Chief Rabbis of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa and Be'er Sheva - and ten other rabbis. It is these last ten seats that will be filled in the coming elections. Be'er Sheva was Israel's fourth-largest city when the relevant law was passed, but Rishon LeTzion, Ashdod and Petach Tikvah have since passed it in size. Despite this, the law has not been changed, and the council continues to reserve membership for the rabbi of Be'er Sheva. The IDF's Chief Rabbi has observer status on the Chief Rabbinate Council. The elections will be held on the 23rd of Elul in the Chief Rabbinate headquarters in Beit Yahav in Jerusalem. The voting body comprises 150 leading Rabbinic and public figures, including 30 municipal and local chief rabbis, ten rabbinic court judges, 30 mayors and heads of Regional Councils, five Knesset Members, and 15 heads of local religious councils. All ten of the incumbent members of the council - five Ashkenazim and five Sephardim - reportedly plan to run for re-election. These include Rehovot's Chief Rabbi Simcha Kook, Migdal Ha'emek's Chief Rabbi Yitzchak David Grossman, and Rabbi Yitzchak Peretz of Raanana. In addition, Rabbi Tzefaniah Drori of Kiryat Shmonah, Rabbi David Stav of Shoham, Rabbi Yitzchak Weiss of Emek Hefer/Kfar HaRoeh, and Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu of Tzfat are in the running. The Tzohar Rabbis Organization has announced its support for Rabbis Eliyahu and Stav, praising the cooperation between the two. Tzohar is a group of religious-Zionist rabbis who "share the goal of building bridges between the world of Torah Judaism and the community at large," its website states. Tzohar announced that it sees the upcoming elections as an "important and fateful chance to influence the Jewish character of the State of Israel. The Chief Rabinate is a particularly influential body in this area, and since Judaism belongs not only to the religious but to all of Israel's Jewish citizens, the choice of members on the council is of great importance." The organization calls on the members of the voting body to consider the following points when making their decision: * The Chief Rabbinate derives its authority from traditional Jewish Law and tradition, as well as from the public that chose it, and operates out of recognition of the State of Israel and its institutions. It must deal with various issues concerning the Jewish character of the State, from the ethical and social underpinnings that stem from the Torah, the Prophets, and Jewish Law, with Klal Yisrael ('entire Community of Israel') considerations. * The Rabbinate must promote love of Israel, and love of the foreigner. * It must work to build a framework of conversion according to Jewish Law that brings near those who have joined Israeli society, with a responsibility to Klal Yisrael. * It must strive to increase Jews' desire to marry according to Jewish Law, and to address the matter of those who cannot establish a home in the framework of Jewish Law. Rabbi Stav, contacted by IsraelNationalNews, explained that the reference is to the 300,000 non-Jews who are not registered as having any religion. "If we don't give an answer to all these people who live here and allow them to marry each other, then the situation will explode and there will be civil marriages in the whole country." He emphasized that he was not referring to Jews who are not permitted to marry specific types of women. ![]() 7. IAF Helicopter Crashby Hana Levi Julian ![]() An Israel Air Force helicopter crashed and burned in the Lower Galilee near Kibbutz Genigar only 10 minutes into a routine training flight that set out from the Ramat David base. The crash occurred early Wednesday evening.
Initial reports indicated that two Cobra helicopters were flying side by side when the propeller on one of the aircraft apparently detached from the body, sending it diving to the ground. The second pilot attempted to land his helicopter as close to the crash site as possible in order to determine what had gone wrong, but was unable to approach due to the heat of the flames that engulfed the aircraft.
Rescue personnel were also prevented from reaching the scene for a short time due to the conflagration.
The fallen helicopter went up in flames after explosives that were on board the aircraft ignited. Police sappers who raced to the scene worked on the remaining ammunition and successfully defused the remaining explosives after they were able to get close enough to get access to the aircraft.
The cause of the crash is under investigation. ![]() 8. OU Threatens Agriprocessors Firmby Hana Levi Julian ![]() The Orthodox Union (OU) has threatened to withdraw its kosher certification on meat processed at the Agriprocessors meat packing plant in Iowa unless it hires a new chief executive.
The new demand came after the Iowa state attorney general charged owner Aaron Rubashkin and his son Sholom, the former chief executive of the Postville plant, with 9,311 criminal misdemeanor charges relating to child labor laws.
The plant was accused of employing 32 workers under the legal age of 18, many of whom were allegedly exposed to dangerous chemicals on the night shift. The company has come under fire repeatedly in the wake of a raid on the plant by Immigration authorities on May 12, in which 389 illegal immigrants working on the premises were detained.
Rabbi Menachem Genack, director of kosher certification for the OU, a nationwide network of synagogues, rabbis and Jewish social services groups said, "We want to see a new face, somebody independent who can give new direction to the company."
A second, Chassidic kosher supervision organization said it would maintain its certification at the plant. Rabbi Menachem Weissmandl, director of the second kosher supervision firm, said he would not withdraw his certification unless the company fails to comply with the strict kosher standards set forth by Jewish law.
The meat packing firm, one of the largest in the United States had already complied with a prior demand by the O.U. to raise its quality controls by hiring former US Attorney James Martin as a compliance officer. Martin, who served in the Midwestern state of Missouri , now works as a compliance officer to enforce labor and safety standards. ![]() 9. 'Happy Targeted New Year'by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu ![]() Canadian Prime Minister Minister's Conservative party is facing the second straight year of accusations on religious profiling for his New Years greeting cards to Jewish voters, a practice that opponents say violates privacy. Several voters asked how the Prime Minister knows they are Jewish. Another voter said she was not offended by the card but noted that she is not even Jewish. Karla Kaminsky told Montreal's CTV, "My reaction when I first got this was, 'He's a little late for New Years,' and then when I realized he meant Jewish New Year, I thought, 'Oh, he thinks I'm Jewish." Sonia Zylberberg, a native of Montreal, complained that she is not even a member of the Conservative party. "I looked at it, and then I was offended and I sort of wanted to throw it out," she told CTV. The Conservative party also sends out cards for Christian holidays and the Chinese New Year. Conservative spokesman Ryan Sparrow said the party does not use any prepared lists and has not purchased any from the Internet. Canada's Privacy Commissioner Jennifer Stoddart said that her investigation of the practice did not show that any privacy rules were broken. The Toronto Globe & Mail suggested that the list of apparently Jewish voters was based on door-to-door surveyors who noted whether a mezuzah was on the doorpost of homes, in accordance with Jewish law. Other methods included using information based on statements of parlor party groups and noting names that sound like they are Jewish. The newspaper noted the case of 30-year-old Ben Arkin, who is Jewish but has no affiliation with any Jewish group and is not a member of any political party but still received a New Year's greeting card. "My religious beliefs are personal and I share them only with family and friends," he told the Globe & Mail. "What is more troubling is that there is no way Harper could have known that I am Jewish without mining down into some very personal data sources." ![]() 10. Give Charity - Give Life!![]() A7 Radio's 'Mikdash Kids' with Judy Simon
Change your future and get written in the Book of Life. How? By giving charity! Charity has the power to save lives! Plus: The Chicken Lady of Jerusalem, Mrs. Clara Hammer, and her daughter Chana on making charity a lifework. For more A7 Radio visit IsraelNationalRadio.com
Judy Simon teaches English and special education in Beit El and is the mother of six. Judy hosts Mikdash Kids every Sunday evening on Israel National Radio. ![]() 11. Comedian: Why Jews Vote Democratby Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel ![]() Jackie Mason is no stranger to controversy. The Jewish-American comedian is known for his stand -up act which he started in the 1960s in his fast paced, thick Brooklyn, New York Jewish accent. He has acted in several movies and TV shows. His most recent work is a video blog and CD called The Ultimate Jew in which he comments on current events. The veteran Jewish-American comedian spoke recently on A Light Unto the Nations with Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel. The discussion included the United State presidential elections and the Arab-Israeli conflict. [audio:123452] Ari Abramowitz: Why is it that Jews in America insist on voting Democrat, especially for this guy Barack Obama? Jackie Mason: I'll tell you the truth. Barack Obama isn't only fooling the Jews. He's fooling all the people of America. Right now people are determined to prove they can vote for a Black person because they were told they're racists all their lives. The White man is walking around feeling guilty thinking if they don't vote for Barack Obama they're a racist. But as far as the Jews are concerned, they are still wedded to the Democratic party when the Democratic party is not interested in Israel. The Democratic party has voted very often against Israel on major issues. The Republican party is determined to help Israel almost more then the Jews are. Even the Hasidic Jews. I don't care how religious you are. They're not as willing to fight for Israel as the Evangelical Goyim. But since the days of Franklin D. Roosevelt the Jews have been told that the Republicans are for big business and not for the underdog. The Jews feel the Democrats are helping the struggling people. And they still believe it. The Jews are more willing to
Jackie Mason: The White man's guilt is not so much the reason for the Jews' guilt. But the Jews have a big complex about Democrats because the Jews have this sickness that somehow the Republicans are the selfish party and the Democrats are the compassionate party. They've bought it since Roosevelt because at one time it was true. In the days of Roosevelt, the Republicans really were the big business party and Roosevelt came and revolutionized this country with a great compassionate concern for the underdog. He supposedly cared about the helpless and fought somehow to protect people who aren't doing so hot and about the minorities. In retrospect when you look back at history, Roosevelt himself was an anti-Semite. Ari Anbramowitz: He turned away the Jews. Jackie Mason: He not only turned away the Jews when they had 900 Jews get killed on that ship.[the S.S. St. Louis in 1939 ed.] but he didn't care about the Jewish plight in Germany. Every time he was reminded to do something about it, he either ignored it or got mad if you mentioned it. Not only did he not care, I think subconsciously he was hoping the Jews get wiped out. Ari Abramowitz: So what would it look like if Obama was elected? Would he be Jimmy Carter Part II? Israel is the apartheid state? Jackie Mason: They talk about how much money McCain is raising versus Obama. Its a pitance compared to the huge amount of press publicity he gets. He's a fraud. Like this pastor thing [Obama's former outspoken pastor Jeremiah Wright]. First thing he says this guy is his mentor, his teacher his philosopher, I learned everything for him. Then they ask, did you ever listen to him? Never. I was in the church but I never heard him. He was talking, but I didn't know I should be listening. And besides, whatever he said he didn't say it on the days that I was there. He said it on Tuesday. I came on Thursdays. Then when he saw his polls started to go down a little he said: he was always my mentor but he wasn't a close mentor. I saw him, but not very often. I heard him, but only maybe once in a while. Then he said: I never even liked him. I never got involved with him. Then he said: whatever he said was disgusting to me and if I knew he was saying these things, I would have hated him a long time ago. And he sounded like he just found out about him 20 years later when he wasn't in the church. He was in the church 20 years and he never heard anything. Now that he's out of the church for a year, he suddenly found out what he said in church when he wasn't actually there. The full interview can be heard on A Light unto the Nations. [audio:123452] Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel, reserve soldiers in the Israel Defense Forces, host A Light Unto the Nations live every Wednesday from 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. on Israel National Radio. They are co-founders of The Land of Israel Foundation and hosts of the TV show Tuesday Night Live in Jerusalem. ![]() 12. Was Jonathan Pollard Doomed..?![]() A7 Radio's "Judean Eve" with Eve Harow
Also Hour 2 on Eve Harow: or Was Jonathan Pollard Doomed From the Start?