Wednesday, 24th September 2008
The UN hosts death and tyranny; Israel hosts life, peace and rock'n'roll
There cannot be a more graphic demonstration of the UN’s bankruptcy and negation of its own ideals than the events of today. It gave a platform to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a man who is an enemy of the civilised world, the Prime Minister of a country which has repeatedly declared its intention to wipe out one of the UN’s own member states and is building the nuclear weaponry to enable it to do so, a country which is the subject of Security Council sanctions because it pursues a nuclear weapons programme and supplies weapons to terrorist organizations. It gave him a platform not only to accuse the Jews of playing an ‘underhanded’ role in the crisis in Georgia, and to reiterate his call for the demise of the...
Thursday, 25 September 2008
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Britannia Radio