Tuesday, 16 September 2008

While Labour plays its stupid games...

click here to go to the blogImportant news with major implications for our armed forces slips out barely noticed and barely remarked upon. I am sure Labour's MPs and government ministers think the world revolves around them, but personally I think our attention should be on matters that have consequences for the men and women we send into harm's way. Talk of financial...

Posted on The Waendel Journal.

Dropping the Pilot?

click here to go to the blogThe spin of the moment - it will doubtless change in an hour or so, much as the reeds bend in the wind - is that we must not get rid of Gordon Brown because we need an experienced hand on the tiller at a time of economic meltdown. Is that the same Gordon Brown who trashed the nation's pensions, flogged its gold off at firesale prices and generally messed up our economy?

Posted on The Huntsman.


click here to go to the blogYou would think that being a Conservative I would be overjoyed to see the Labour party eating its young and engaging in the political slapstick that is speeding its disintegration. However the current farce leaves me feeling annoyed. While all this self serving manoeuvring plays out like a tragicomedy in Downing Street and the wider...

Posted on The Waendel Journal.