Will I Ever Satisfy Richard North?
Iain Dale 3:46 PM
His latest tirade concerns the fact I haven't said anything about THIS story from theIndependent, which has the banner headline, CLEARED: JURY DECIDES THAT THREAT OF GLOBAL WARMING JUSTIFIES BREAKING THE LAW.
He really has picked on the wrong person. If he actually read this blog properly he would know that I have spoken out time again again against the climate change religion. Had I seen the story, I may well have got my dander up and written about it. But the fact of the matter was that I watching England smash Croatia and then had an early night. Shallow, I know. And today I have been writing my Telegraph column and doing my day job. So, sorry to disappoint Richard, but apart from writing this blog, I do have a life, you know. Unlike some.
Having said all that, the jury decision was a complete disgrace. Even more of a disgrace was the decision of Zak Goldsmith - a Conservative Parliamentary Candidate - to speak for the defence. There was a time when Conservative candidates defended law and order rather than intervene on behalf of a law breaking rabble.
Happy now, Richard?
UPDATE: OMG, what have I started. Look at the comments and you will see that there are comments from not only Richard North, but Richard D North. RDN's explanation as to who he is is a gem.
Friday, 12 September 2008
Apart from the Guildford One, there is another blogger who doesn't seem to like me very much. - Richard North of the EU Referendum blog. While I much admire the blog he and my friend Helen Szamuely write, he seems to labour under the illusion that I should be writing comment pieces on every conceivable subject - especially the ones he thinks are important, rather than the ones I want to write about.
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