September 10, 2008
New Articles
Consensus? What Consensus?
Putting this into perspective, for every 1 scientist who even slightly favored the IPCC conclusions, 792 signed the petition saying there was no convincing evidence that there is man-made catastrophic global warming. For every Ph.D. that endorsed the IPCC report, 1800 signed the petition. If anything, there is a scientific consensus that man is not responsible for global warming. What did the media do with this potentially explosive story? They ignored it........
by Dr. Michael Coffman, Ph.D
Hurricane Sarah Hits US
History tells me that the conspiracy for world government will use Governor Sarah as the usual judas goat. It will use her, abuse her and lose her. Remember that el Senador Juan McCain, totally owned by the conspiracy for world government and probably turned into a McChurian Candidate by Soviet interrogators in Hanoi, is still at the top of the ticket.......
by Alan Stang
An End to the Good Old Boys
Anyone who has been very involved in politics knows immediately what “good-old-boys” describes; it refers to men who, by virtue of gray hair and accumulated wealth, appear respectable and are therefore granted power. Unfortunately, it is exactly their lack of virtue that defines them as good old “boys.”.......
by Rudy Takala
Biden Selection is Bad News for America's Fathers
Biden’s latest DV bill, the National Domestic Violence Volunteer Attorney Network Act, would create an extensive network of attorneys to provide allegedly abused women free lawyers to win child custody. Yet the bill has no mechanism to adjudicate whether the abuse claims made against the fathers are true........
by Glenn Sacks
Wednesday, 10 September 2008
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Britannia Radio