America is the land of opportunity, a land of the Free and the Brave. America is today the greatest country in the world and has provided the world with stability, freedom and relative peace over last sixty years as to any time in the past history of the world.
While America is not perfect, the country I came to eighteen years ago with a few thousand dollars in my pocket and a dream is retreating to socialism and the the reason I left Europe. The place I left where the ideal of socialism, anti entrepreneurship, high taxes, government interference with rules and regulations that stifle anybody with an idea and a dream.
It seems to me that today's young Americans have been already indoctrinated by their university professors of the mid 1990's, and today the fruits of that indoctrination has come to the fore with the mere prospect that someone like Barack Obama could even be nominated to be President of the USA. The first true Socialist/Marxist ever to be elected along with a Democratic Congress filled with arch left wing hacks who want to control our every day lives, just why I left Ireland. The founding fathers of the USA would be turning in their graves.
In fact Ireland is now more helpful to the entrepreneur than America is today. More American dollars as a per capita of population are being invested in Ireland than in the USA because Ireland now rewards companies with a 10% corporate tax rates versus 35% in the USA. The policy of low corporate taxes has brought huge prosperity and low unemployment to this country, we are stifling our own entrepreneurs. Maybe its time for me to return to Ireland, but no, I choose to fight for America, because it is America that is the key to the freedom of the world, its prosperity and future. I choose to fight for freedom which is under threat from Islamic fundamentalist thugs and the freedom to speak against this cancer is stifled by people who are more interested in staying in power or protecting their own jobs instead of speaking and facing the truth. Freedom of religion is under threat and I am not talking about the Islamic religion , I am talking about freedom of religion for Christians.
Islam is given utmost respect by the main stream media but Christianity is under attack. At least allow all religions to be attacked equally and not just Christianity.
Some people say that the reason we have an economic mess is because of the failure of capitalism and no regulation. I say it is the opposite. It was the interference by socialists interfering with the capitalism system. Simply put, political pressure to lend money to people who are bad risks for credit. Regulators made it racist not to lend to people who could not afford to pay the money back because most of the bad risks were minorities. Then after these Government financial institutions packaged these risky loans and made them triple A rated; peddled them to major financial institutions worldwide. Then we blame the big bad Wall Street greed mongers as the culprit and not one politician is willing to take the blame for the mess. There is no doubt that Wall Street people are paid obscene amounts of money but those days are now over as a result of market forces along with the debacle we all have just witnessed.
The same people who created the mess we now want to give them one hundred per cent of the reigns of power with an Obama Marxist regime. The basic policies of George Bush did work and the economy was very resilient growing well since 9/11. What killed it was the stupid interference by socialists who forced policies that caused the financial system to break down. Like all presidents George Bush was not perfect but people have been brain washed by a main street media that has only one agenda of left wing elitism.
Since Islamic fundamentalism and the safety of Israel is what we advocate for, we have many problems with Barack Obama and what he says to us in his election campaign about the issues are very different from his record of his past statements before he ran for the Presidency, as well as his past alliances of every radical Marxist you can find. All of these radicals have a common theme, they hate Israel and many who have ties to Muslim fundamentalist terrorists. He says he wants to be a uniter yet has never acted in any substantial way as a bipartisan. He has never attacked others in his own party for bad behavior or corruption and in fact sided with the establishment in the Chicago political system when problems of corruption or malfeasance occurred. Why? It was because that was what he saw as the route for his own politcal success. You think a leopard changes its spots.
We don't give a free pass to John McCain either and have many problems with is economic policies however his policies on foreign policy will be better for the safety of the world. Without safety and freedom everything else does not matter. That is what the American people need to understand.
It looks like the American people will only learn the hard way and we will have to endure four years of extreme pain on account of our economy, constitutional freedoms and sheer madness and naivety in foreign policy. Good foreign policy is not about being popular but being safe. I would rather be alive and unpopular than dead and loved.
I pray for the USA and that we will wake up before it is too late.
Keith Davies
Walid Shoebat Foundation
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
Posted by Britannia Radio at 19:22