It's almost difficult to describe in mere words what happened last week in Washington, DC. That Blitzkreig is today's definition of shock and awe. When the enemy hits you at a speed you may not have time to get ready for is exactly what the money masters planned when they dropped the bail out swindle into the laps of a body of individuals (Congress), with a few exceptions like Congressman Ron Paul, R-TX, who have virtually no understanding of the subject matter. In cases like sodomite, Barney Frank, D-MA., whose male sex partner was.......
by Devvy Kidd
World Government is Not Coming, It's Here!
The remaining piece that needs to be put in place is for the United States to adopt a global regulatory system to merge our banking, insurance, and stock market and commodity industries to that of the other countries of the world. While only a handful of countries like Britain, Canada, Australia, and the Nordic countries have already adopted some type of global regulatory system, it is America’s turn and once America changes, the rest of the countries will follow suit........
by Joan Veon
Rush Limbaugh
Several decades ago, Rush Limbaugh entertained the idea that there might be a conspiracy toward a world government. However, when someone informed him that his hero, William F. Buckley, Jr., might be part of this as secretly a Commie sympathizer, he then no longer entertained such notions, saying on his radio show, “You have to believe all of this or none......
by Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D
Economic Growth vs Economic Wellbeing
After reaching maturity, no entity can continue growing beyond its natural balance. If it does, it becomes obese or manifests cancer, i.e., aberrant cell growth that ultimately kills its host. The United States, whether it likes it or not, must move toward a stable population and a new paradigm that includes ‘steady state economics’.........
by Frosty Wooldridge
My email is filled with letters from truly fearful Americans. Never before, have I experienced this level of fear from citizens. It is incredibly disconcerting. Fears expressed are from every possible point of view, all seemingly unrelated. Fears of illegal immigration, shadow government, terrorism, war, failing economy, loss of sovereignty and liberty indicate a distrustfulness of the intentions of our government and I think is well founded..........
by CJ Graham
A Little Candy For Little Communism
I am amazed at the liberty Americans are willing to give up for a little treat. Americans were overwhelmingly against the bailout of Wall Street executives and high-rolling bankers. Investors who took big risks to earn big profits must also bear the losses. According to many experts, the government bailout only postpones the inevitable, making it much more painful and expensive over the long run. It also devalues the dollar through the Federal Reserve’s inflationary printing of money to meet Congress’ deficit demands. Over 400 economists........
by Dr. Patrick Johnston
Buying and Selling the Right to Pollute
Forest lands and our oceans are becoming the newest victims of high-stakes money market shell games. Forest offsets are already being sold in California or used as a lure for venture capital investments. Venture capitalists are awaiting the pending passage of the Climate Security Act of 2007 (U.S. Senate Bills 2191 and 3036 supported by Senators Lieberman and Boxer), and other related bills, to begin reaping huge financial market benefits supported by United States taxpayers. According to an extensive article in.......
by Rosalind Peterson
Liberty or Sustainable Development, Part 8
We need to remember that the ideas the United States was founded on and the ideas the United Nations was founded on are antithetical to each other. One recognizes that our rights as human beings are inherent. The other seeks to make our rights the subject and object of political grant. So how is the United Nations Agenda 21 Sustainable Development being implemented in the United States? First.......
by Michael Shaw
Monday, 6 October 2008
Bail out vote constitutional? 401(k)s bleed
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Britannia Radio