Barack Obama’s Campaign of the Lie
Barack Obama may be the most radically-left major-party presidential nominee in our nation’s history. A recent analysis of voting records – not words but actions – showed that the senator owned the most left-wing record in the Senate in 2007, placing him ahead of even that body’s one avowed socialist, Vermont senator Bernie Sanders. Now, if Sanders proclaims himself a socialist, and Obama is to the left of Sanders, what do you call Obama?.......
by Selwyn Duke
Useful Idiots Elect Communists
When Senator Joe McCarthy tried to warn us about the infiltration of communists in America, the mainstream media vilified him. He died under suspicious circumstances at a government hospital in 1957. Time proved McCarthy was right. The FDR administration was crawling with Soviet agents but even before McCarthy, someone we don’t read about in the history books, Congressman Martin Dies (D-TX) bucked his own party’s rabid opposition to investigating Communist subversions and infiltration of government, academia, labor unions, and the........
by Betty Freauf
Was a Communist Obama’s Sex Teacher?
If the truth about Obama and his associates is ever going to come out, it will have to come in response to increasing demands for the facts from the American people. The problem is that, as more is known and discovered, more questions emerge........
by Cliff Kincaid
What if the wrong person gets in the White House?
Our country is going through the worst economic downfall since the great depression. Wars are still in play with dangerous Islamic radicals. Our moral foundation is seriously eroded, almost fatally. The bottom line is this: Regardless of the global elites, hidden and exposed power and money brokers, regardless of who becomes President, we all can and must make a difference and not give up in our lifestyle, choice to do what is right, what reflects truth and love, and what reflects our bill of rights and constitution........
by Laurie Roth
Friday, 17 October 2008
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Britannia Radio