NM Weekly - L'Hebdo du Newropeans-Magazine 23/10/2008

Derniers articles:
- Ouf! grâce à Nicolas Sarkozy la crise est sous contrôle!
- [Global systemic crisis] Summer 2009: The US government defaults on its debt
- Chroniques d'Allemagne: une semaine allemande
- Has a Titan Emerged in the US Presidential Elections?
- [UK] The Conservative referendum on the Lisbon Treaty
- Grèce-États-Unis : la guerre des visas
- The dark sleep of Estonia
- [Belgique] Sanctionner les propriétaires de logements vacants serait une erreur
- Through the Year of Intercultural Dialogue 2008: A Satiric View on the Role of European...
- Andrew Lahde Letter
Inivited Languages:
- [NL] Virtuele run op de Bank in Netherland
- [Es] Una foto que vale 30 mil millones de euros
- [IT] Crisi: l'Europa, gli Stati... o altro?
- [DE] Die umfassende weltweite Krise: Wechselkurs EURUSD von 1,75 für Ende 2008
EDITION 23/10/2008
Edito: Ouf! grâce à Nicolas Sarkozy la crise est sous contrôle!
Written by David Carayol
Ouf, ça y'est la crise est sous contrôle grâce à Nicolas Sarkozy. D'ailleurs le président français est tellement compétent qu'il vient lui même de s'auto-désigner 'meilleur futur empereur' potentiel de l'Eurogroupe. Excusez-du peu!?
Edito: Ouf! grâce à Nicolas Sarkozy la crise est sous contrôle!
[Global systemic crisis] Summer 2009: The US government defaults on its debt
Written by LEAP/E2020
Before next summer 2009, the US government will default and be prevented to pay back its creditors (holders of US Treasury Bonds, of Fanny May and Freddy Mac shares, etc.). Of course such a bankruptcy will provoke some very negative outcome for all USD-denominated asset holders. The period that will then begin should be conducive to the setting up of a « new Dollar » to remedy the problem of default and of induced massive capital drain from the US. The process will result from the following five factors studied in detail further in this GEAB...
[Global systemic crisis] Summer 2009: The US government defaults on its debt
Chroniques d'Allemagne: une semaine allemande
Written by Edouard Husson
Francfort-Stuttgart, axe financier de l’Allemagne ? Franz Müntefering peut-il sauver le SPD ? Lancement officieux de la campagne électorale pour les élections législatives allemande de septembre 2009 - L'engagement de l'Allemagne en Afghanistan, mauvaise image de l’Allemagne... Une nouvelle semaine allemande...
Chroniques d'Allemagne: une semaine allemande
The dark sleep of Estonia
Written by Thanos Kalamidas - OVI Magazine
It never stops amazing me and often makes me feel from sad to angry how some states understand democracy. And yes when it comes to Mugabe’s Zimbabwe any reference to democracy makes me laugh but when it comes to a country that is considered a modern state, democratic enough to be a full member of the superior democratic European institution, the European Union I can not avoid being angry.
The dark sleep of Estonia
Through the Year of Intercultural Dialogue 2008: A Satiric View on the Role of European Foundations
Written by Bernd Baumgartl
A Sarcastic View on the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue 2008 - a Fictive Discussion on the Role of European Foundations conducted by two archetypical antagonists: misanthropic “Mr Hyde”, the typical nagger who finds fault in everything and is only seemingly ignorant, yet full of pointed and somewhat grim pessimism about the prospects of integration and a multi-cultural society, and “Dr Jekyll”, who represents the mainstream voice of the ‘Gutmensch’, somewhat mimicking the line of European foundations as they often present themselves in their published materials...
Through the Year of Intercultural Dialogue 2008: A Satiric View on the Role of European Foundations
Grèce-États-Unis : la guerre des visas
Written by Aristotelia Peloni
Colère et consternation à Athènes après la publication par Washington de la liste des nouveaux pays dont les citoyens pourront se rendre aux États-Unis sans visa. La Grèce, qui espérait régler une fois pour toute cette question, doit selon les États-Unis faire « encore un peu de chemin pour être en conformité avec les exigences du programme ». Une façon pour l’administration Bush de faire pression sur Athènes sur le dossier macédonien...
Grèce-États-Unis : la guerre des visas
[UK] The Conservative referendum on the Lisbon Treaty
Written by Roderick Parkes
Whereas most member-state governments have been pushing for a completion of the ratification process on the Lisbon Treaty, the Tory leader, David Cameron, promises to hold a referendum on the Treaty should his party come to power before the EU-wide ratification process is complete. The Conservative leadership would even consider organising a ‘retrospective’ referendum if the Treaty was in force when his party came to power. ...
[UK] The Conservative referendum on the Lisbon Treaty
[Belgique] Sanctionner les propriétaires de logements vacants serait une erreur
Written by Guillaume Vuillemey (IEM)
Il y a quelques semaines, deux députés belges, Céline Fremault et Denis Grimberghs, ont proposé une ordonnance visant à considérer l'inoccupation d'un logement comme une infraction passible de prison ou de lourdes amendes. Ce serait nier le principe même de la propriété privée, sans pour autant relancer l'offre de logements à long terme en Belgique. Les vraies solutions à la crise du logement sont ailleurs...
[Belgique] Sanctionner les propriétaires de logements vacants serait une erreur
Has a Titan Emerged in the US Presidential Elections?
Written by Harry Hagopian
Holly is American, and like millions of other US citizens, she will vote on 4th November... Like many fellow citizens, Holly also happens to be undecided about her choice - John McCain & Sarah Palin or Barack Obama & Joe Biden? As an EU citizen, I do not enjoy the right to vote in the forthcoming elections. But also as an EU citizen, I might import a more removed - and perhaps less subjective - viewpoint. So, Holly, this is what your brother thinks about your choice!
Has a Titan Emerged in the US Presidential Elections?
Andrew Lahde Letter
Written by Andrew Lahde
Andrew Lahde Letter - The manager of a small California hedge fund that returned 866 percent by betting against the subprime collapse and gained national attention has called it quits. This Andrew Lahde letter stems from his disenchantment with the business that made him a wealthy man. His “good-bye” letter is lengthy, but worth the read.
Andrew Lahde Letter
[DE] Die umfassende weltweite Krise: Wechselkurs EURUSD von 1,75 für Ende 2008
Gastsprache Deutsch
Written by LEAP/E2020
Warum LEAP/E2020 seine Voraussage eines Wechselkurses EURUSD von 1,75 für Ende 2008 aufrecht hält
Wer glaubte, der steile Anstieg des Dollars im Verhältnis zu beinahe allen Weltwährungen seit Juli 2008 führe dazu, dass LEAP/E2020 seine Aussage über die langfristige Wertentwicklung des Dollars ändern würde, irrte sich. Wir sehen überhaupt keinen einleuchtenden Grund, von unserer Einschätzung abzuweichen, dass der Euro bis Jahresende 2008 bei 1,75 Dollar stehen werde.
[DE] Die umfassende weltweite Krise: Wechselkurs EURUSD von 1,75 für Ende 2008
[IT] Crisi: l'Europa, gli Stati... o altro?
Written by Diego Malcangi
L'Europa ha saputo reagire alla crisi economica? Verrebbe da rispondere affermativamente, visto che le acque si sono relativamente calmate, dopo le decisioni prese in sede di Eurogruppo (in una riunione d'emergenza che – magari lo avevate notato – Newropeans aveva proposto in un appello pubblico proprio pochi giorni prima che il governo spagnolo ne prendesse l'iniziativa).
[IT] Crisi: l'Europa, gli Stati... o altro?
[Es] Una foto que vale 30 mil millones de euros
Trans Iberico
Written by Alberto Montero
Está visto y comprobado: los banqueros de este país no se hacen fotografías gratis. La que se hicieron con Rodríguez Zapatero en la reunión de hace unos días en La Moncloa ya tiene precio: un fondo anticrisis de 30 mil millones de euros ampliables hasta 50 mil (entre el 3% y el 5% del PIB) para, en palabras del propio presidente del Gobierno, “el sistema financiero más sólido del mundo”.
[Es] Una foto que vale 30 mil millones de euros
[NL] Virtuele run op de Bank in Netherland
More invited languages
Written by Taco Dankers
Amsterdam 13 Oktober 2008 - De Nederlandse Minister van Financiën Bos verzekerde drie weken geleden dat geen enkele Nederlandse Bank failliet zou gaan. Het Nederlandse financiële systeem is gezond en de controlerende financiële autoriteiten zijn bekwaam...
[NL] Virtuele run op de Bank in Netherland
- Cartoons : this week Zoran and the economic crisis
- Agenda politique: SPECIAL US Elections 2008...
- NM Blog Presse: Striptease am Flughafen / L'Inde réussit son premier pas vers la Lune / Paris and Amsterdam Airports to Increase Cooperation / Race Is a ‘Tough Tightrope for Obama’ / Poll: Americans angry, worried over state of nation / Europeans signal clash with US over global capitalism / Nicolas Sarkozy veut diriger la zone euro jusqu’en 2010 / OECD says gap between rich and poor in UK among widest in world / Les paradis fiscaux au coeur de la crise financière / Where would we be now without the euro? / De Mortuis ... - Etiam Male - On Occasion of the Death of Jörg Haider / Home Office in revolt at Smith’s plan for ‘Big Brother’ database / Europe searching for new financial system ...
Directrice de la publication/Editor in chief : Marianne Ranke-Cormier