I see the BBC lead story is that hip hop and rap fan Colin Powell has endorsed The One. Quelle surprise! Now whilst I accept this is news to those who do not follow these matters closely, I wonder why Justin Webb gets the opportunity in the same item to eulogise as to how "re-assuring" this endorsement will be for "many" American voters. Webb also uses it to further attack Sarah Palin, citing "rumbles of discontent" within republican ranks at her selection by McCain.The BBC chooses to use RINO Colin Powell's quote about Obama being a "transformational" President without ever quite defining exactly what will be transformed. I guess that will wait until AFTER they get their man in power and the socialisation of America can then proceed apace. If you check out the sidebar of linked stories also note the care of language being selected "Bitter Blow" to McCain, "Calm Obama" and "more bad news for McCain". The BBC, like so much of the liberal media, has abandoned ALL pretence of impartiality as concerns the US election and is blatantly cheering on Obama. The difference is, we are forced to pay for the BBC's obamania and THAT is what is most objectionable. We need "transformational" politics her in the UK as well, starting with the abolition of the license tax. Comments: 29 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # Fascinating to read this example of character assassination the BBC runs on Joe Wurzelbacher aka "Joe the Plumber". The way this US election has turned out, the BBC has become a partisan propagandist for Democrat talking points. At every point away, it has chosen to run the Democrat perspective on every issue and when an unscheduled item such as Joe the Plumber breaks through the MSM filter - and challenges Obama - the knives are out. I'm sure B-BBC well read readers will know that criticisms repeated here of Mr Wurzelbacher are spurious but they are part of a well co-ordinated attack dog strategy by the Democrats and the BBC obliges by parroting them. Added by Natalie Solent: I trust David won't mind if I add to this post, as the same BBC story had also attracted my attention. The BBC's title (Doubts raised on US 'plumber Joe') came close to being libellous in my opinion. Its use of quotes around "plumber Joe" implied that Mr Wurzelbacher was a fake - either that he was not really a plumber at all, or at the very least that he was not really an ordinary member of the public but some sort of Republican plant. Yet the worst the tireless investigators of the BBC, who as we all know were pulled away from their feverish round-the-clock investigations of the financial affairs of the front-runner for President of the United States to attend to this vital matter, could uncover was that he was not a licensed plumber and that he owed back taxes. Oh, and he prefers the name "Joe" to that of "Samuel". That these facts are trivial is covered well in this comment by DB. My point is not so much their triviality, but their irrelevance to the BBC's claim that As things stand, both of the two possible readings of the BBC's first paragraph are unfair to an ordinary man whose crime was not to know his place. Labels: pro ObamaDoubt has been cast over the story of "Joe the plumber", the man who unexpectedly became the star of this week's US presidential debate.
What story was this, BBC? What words did Mr Wurzelbacher say that constituted a "story" that, it now emerges, is dubious? Alternatively, what part his "story" as told by the world's press - that of an ordinary citizen who simply answered frankly when Senator Obama approached him - is subject to the BBC's ever-passive "doubt has been cast"? If the BBC had offered some evidence that Mr Wurzelbacher was a Republican operative with a pre-arranged plan to trap Senator Obama, then it would be justified to refer to doubts being cast over his story in that sense. (In fact such tactics are commonplace in US politics, and have been exposed repeatedly - but since the plants were Democrats pretending to be undecided or to be "lifelong Republicans" the story was of no interest to the BBC.)
Monday, 20 October 2008
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Britannia Radio