Saturday, 4 October 2008

Biased BBC
Friday, October 03, 2008
David Vance #
Well now, Mandelson is back. Gordon Brown is relentlessly selling us the line that we need "serious people for serious times" - as the BBC obligingly parrots. But Mandelson is a man without political integrity, twice forced into resigning. I met him a few times politically and counted my fingers after shaking hands with him to ensure all were still there afterwards. And as if that wasn't bad enough, Margaret a Beckett is also called back, another serious person for serious times? Wonder how the BBC will react to Mandy in the times ahead? Personally, I am delighted, as he was here at the birth of NuLabour and he will be there when it is buried in less than two years.

Labels: pro Labour bias

Comments: 37 (unread) - Biased BBC Home

Hugh #

Competition time - Weekend special
This time, it's spot the bias in this piece of free association by Matt Frei. I mean, I know it is biased because... Well, because it's by Matt Frei and is, as far as I can tell, about American politics. But what the hell does it mean?

...the latest opinion polls suggested the public was selling Palins and McCains and buying Obamas and Bidens. It was not a rally. But gambles are out and caution is in. The numbers were looking terrible for the Republican candidate ... Novelty and shrillness almost induce an allergic reaction. The most reassuring thing that has happened all week is that Warren Buffet, the sage of Omaha, has decided to sink a cool $5bn into a revamped Goldman Sachs. I bet you many Americans are wondering if we cannot just outsource government to him until the storm is over. The campaign has been transformed...

It doesn't get any better. Bonus points to anyone who can tell me what Frei was on when he wrote it.

Comments: 22 (unread) - Biased BBC Home