The message is clear. Labour has now rallied behind Gordon following his very successful Party conference, the critics have one by one come on board, and in these "serious" times we do need a "serious" political leader such as Mr Brown. That is the narrative that the Labour leadership seeks to convey and it is the narrative that the BBC has obligingly been running with on their behalf. It has permeated BBC news for the past several weeks and it is warning to David Cameron that he will NOT be given a even break by the State Broadcaster, regardless of how liberal he presents himself. The BBC wants to Save Gordon and that is all that matters, the rest is detail. We see a BBC which asks no hard questions of the Brown years as Chancellor. There is an economic memory hole into which the Beeb consigns all of Brown's disastrous decision making (Anyone got an update on the price of Gold today?) This is the State Broadcaster using its 24/7 influence to re-write history and present the man who took your old age pension as the man who will help save the global economic crisis. You couldn't make it up. Labels: save gordon Comments: 32 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # Please use this for comments about current BBC programming and activities. N.B. This is not an invitation for off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Suggestions for stories would be appreciated! Comments may be moderated. Labels: open threadBiased BBC Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Tuesday, 7 October 2008
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Britannia Radio