Wednesday 22 October 2008

Biased BBC
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
David Vance #


Hi All, been away all day so just catching up now! Well, what about poor Georgie Porgie and that "conversation" with that Russian billionaire? A few points strike me. 1. Osbourne has been foolish in the extreme and has left himself - and his party -open to the smears of sleaze now being generously applied. For that he deserves no pity. 2. The BBC coverage has been exultant, almost hysterical. The Great Leader will be pleased. 3. The comparison between the fevered coverage afforded to this non-story contrasts with the subdued interest Al Beeb has shown in the serial corrupt dealings of Labour during the past decade. Anyone detect the hand of Mandelson in all this spinning? The Prince of Darkness is back but the BBC are throwing all the light on stupid little Osbourne. It is my view that the BBC will help Labour further narrow the opinion poll gap with the Conservatives by ignoring all decent suggestions that Cameron makes and then crucifying the Tories each time they commit an error. In this way, over the next two years, the way for four more years is being prepared and you and I, dear reader fund it.


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Hugh #