"Meet the Press" interim moderator Tom Brokaw sits on the board of a liberal foundation that has given radical left-wing group ACORN $821,000 and that in turn is funded by liberal uber-donor George Soros, research reveals. Conservatives have long considered Brokaw's political views to be somewhere on the left, but these revelations raise new questions about the former NBC News anchor's objectivity. Here are the facts. Brokaw sits on the board of the Robin Hood Foundation, a charity that, according to its website, targets poverty in New York City by applying "sound investment principles to philanthropy." The foundation awarded ACORN a $456,000 grant in 2003 and a $365,000 grant in 2004. Brokaw does not appear to have played a role in the grants because he didn't become a member of the board until 2005 according to the guidestar.org database, but these are nevertheless the left-wing circles in which he travels. The Soros Fund Charitable Foundation, as in George Soros, a major bankroller of the left, gave the Robin Hood Foundation a $9,859,453 community development grant in 2000. The Robin Hood board includes Marian Wright Edelman, president of one of Hillary Clinton's favorite activist groups, the Children's Defense Fund. Hollywood movie mogul Harvey Weinstein and actress Gwyneth Paltrow are also members of the board. As of Dec. 31, 2006, the Robin Hood Foundation had assets of $288,520,098 and income of $159,688,394 (source: guidestar.org). Brokaw has given at least $75,000 to the foundation. (source: "The Emperors of Benevolence," New York Magazine, November 5, 2007) (This post is based on a Capital Research Center blog post.) —Matthew Vadum is Editor of Organization Trends and Foundation Watch at theCapital Research Center.FLASH! Tom Brokaw Involved in Soros-Funded Charity that Funds ACORN
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