Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Obama Cadre Plans Permanent Change Movement
Dateline USA....
The Obama campaign is more than that--it's amovement.
China Confidential has learned that a key campaign cadre plans to keep on fighting after election day. Anticipating a big victory, the zealous, left-wing band sees the campaign as the foundation of a White House-backed, extra-government movement for permanent--revolutionary--change.
And The Candidate of Change, Democratic Party sources say, approves of the idea, seeing the movement as the answer to a thorny problem--how to reward and channel the energies of his more extreme supporters without causing controversy and inviting close media scrutiny.
An Obama youth movement? You can count on it. Obama block watchers? You bet. Obama neighborhood storefronts and government-funded make-work programs? Absolutely. A little red--or green for the environment--Obama book of political wit and wisdom? Publishers will fight for the rights.
No wonder Fidel Castro has endorsed Obama--twice.Media Mocks and Puts Palin Under Microscope while Creating No-Go Zones for Barack Hussein Obama
Dateline USA....
Consider this double standard: the mainstream media has spent countless hours examining Sarah Palin. Her life is an open book; and she is about to release her medical records.
In sharp contrast, Barack Hussein Obama, who has only released a one-page letter from a physician attesting to his good health, has escaped media scrutiny. His Muslim, racist and Communist connections--and lost college years--are no-go zones for so-called journalists.Will American Jews Pick Obama Over Israel?
Dateline USA....
Jewish Obamamaniacs claim their Muslim-born Candidate of Change is poised to capture 80% of the Jewish vote.
This reporter--a lifelong Zionist--doubts that is true.
Should American Jews overwhelmingly vote for Barack Hussein Obama, however, they will be spitting on the graves of the Six Million and stabbing Israel in the back.
BHO is backed by the worst scum on earth--Communists and Muslim supremacists who plot and plan the destruction of the US, Israel and the Jewish people.
Of course, American Jews as a group have never done much for Israel. Most of them have never even been there--in contrast with Bible-believing Christians. As long as Israel was reflecting positively on American Jews, they loved the place--from afar. But once the going got tough, American Jews got going.
Obama is their false messiah; Liberalism, their real religion.
-Ben NaftaliThis New York Jew Supports Sarah Palin
Dateline USA....
This Jew--a native New Yorker--supports Sarah Palin.
God bless her and her family and the good people of Alaska.
This Jew knows that if Israel's life is on the line, Israel can count on Sarah Palin.
This Jew also knows that if Israel's life is on the line, Barack Hussein Obama and his Communist friends will stab the Jewish state in the back.
This Jew knows that Sarah Palin will defend the United States, even if that means spitting in the face of the America-hating United Nations.
This Jew also knows that BHO will put the UN first and the US last--every time.
This Jew--a native New Yorker--supports Sarah Palin.
God bless her and family and the good people of Alaska.
-Ben NaftaliReacting to Mere Slowdown, China Plans Tax Cuts; Reacting to a Recession, Obama Vows Tax Hikes
The contrast is incredible.
In the United States, Barack Obama, the presumptive President--in the eyes of the mainstream media--is proudly planning to raise taxes, even though history and common sense says that doing so would deepen and prolong the recession and turn it into a full-blown depression.
In China, the government has begun drafting tax cutting and spending policies to stimulate the economy after a third quarter growth of 9%, the slowest pace since 2003.
The government will shift the emphasis towards maintaining “a stable and rapid economic development”, the state-controlled media reported on Monday. The previous policy had been “to ensure growth and control inflation.”
As part of the new policy, China plans to increase export tax rebates for everything from labour-intensive products such as garments and textiles to high-value products such as mechanical and electrical products. Banks will be encouraged to lend more money to small and medium-size enterprises, and support programms will be drafted to help farmers.The Jewish Press Endorses John McCain
Dateline USA....
The Jewish Press, arguably America's most influential Jewish community newspaper, has endorsed John McCain for President. An excerpt of the editorial appears below. Click here to read the whole piece--it is powerful and persuasive. From where we sit, Sen. Obama emerges as a representative of the radical left, which does not accept the notion of American exceptionalism and the presumptive validity of American tradition. We recall his gratuitous ridicule of those middle Americans who, supposedly out of frustration, "cling to their religion and their guns."
We fear Sen. Obama is not intent on merely changing this or that policy but the system in its entirety.
This strain emerges also in the area of international affairs. His observation that the leaders of Hamas support him because they expect him to abandon President Bush's "cowboy diplomacy" reflects the view that perhaps our enemies have a point and America is to be blamed for most of the world's problems. This was underscored when he said he would negotiate with such leaders as Iran's Ahmadinejad "without preconditions."
And then there are the insults to our intelligence he regularly delivers. When he immediately backtracked from his declaration that he supported an "undivided Jerusalem" as the capital of Israel, he explained that he only meant it shouldn't be divided by fences. He has also regularly played the race card by asserting that Sen. McCain would resort to claiming that he, Sen. Obama, doesn't look like others who have run for president.
To criticisms of his relationship with Rev. Wright, Sen. Obama claimed he wasn't present on those occasions when Rev. Wright spilled his venom. He initially said of his contacts with William Ayres that they were minimal, and later that he thought Mr. Ayers had "been rehabilitated" - despite the fact that Mr. Ayres regularly bemoans his failure to have planted more bombs during his terrorist heyday.
Perhaps among the most troubling things about Sen. Obama was his recent comment to the now famous "Joe the plumber." When "Joe" asked him why he planned to raise taxes on him, Sen. Obama responded: "It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody that is behind you, that they have a chance for success too. I think that when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."
This a radical departure from mainstream thinking in our country. It is one thing for the government to provide for the less fortunate and for those in dire need. It is quite another to embrace a scheme to arbitrarily redistribute the wealth from the get-go in order to institutionally equalize the situation of all Americans.
In addition to the concerns we have as Americans about Sen. Obama's decidedly leftist predilections, those of us with a particular interest in Israel are troubled by the prospects of an Obama presidency. His political bent, facile changes of position and overall failure to stick to his word make us leery of the reliability of his oft-stated commitment to the Jewish state. We have no such hesitancy about Sen. McCain.
Thursday, 23 October 2008
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Britannia Radio