DNC joins Obama to block Berg suit
On September 29, 2008 Pennsylvania attorney Philip J. Berg, filed a response to a motion to dismiss by defendant Barack Obama who was joined in his effort to quash Berg's lawsuit by the Democratic National Committee, claiming it has no standing to proceed. Berg argued in the brief response that he has provided the precedents which establish the standing and petitioned US District Court Judge R. Barclay Surrick of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania to pursue the case. In his Sept. 29 filing, Berg said.......
by Jon Christian Ryter
Why I Wrote "The Hate Factory"
I wrote articles about sociology and the Religion of Humanity and tried to sell them to some of the leading conservative publications. I was sure they would be interestedeven grateful, to have one of the most important sources of destructive teaching and legislation pin-pointed and exposed. They were not! Article after article came back with comments like, “We found your article interesting, but it just does not fill our needs at this time.”.......
by Erica Carle
The Rise and Fall of Fox News
The coverage of the financial crisis has been helpful in demonstrating that many of the “conservatives” in the media are not so conservative after all. When the going gets tough, they are quick to abandon their principles. Several commentators on the Fox News Channel joined Senators Barack Obama and John McCain and most congressional Democrats in supporting the socialist-style bailout scheme........
by Cliff Kincaid
Nancy Pelosi’s "buy-in"
America received the news on Sunday, September 28th that the $700 billion package now before Congress at the request of President Bush isn’t a “bail-out,” it’s a “buy-in.” That came straight from the horse’s mouth, Bush’s shill, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. It’s now being parroted by other Bush Democrats like Representative Barney Frank (D-MA). So, pray tell, if this is a buy-in and not a bail-out, what are we buying in to? Pelosi says we are buying into our economy, saving businesses and jobs. But is that really true?.......
by Lynn Stuter
Tuesday, 7 October 2008
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Britannia Radio