ELEPHONKEY TWO-PUNCH Dr. Eugene Narrett, Ph.D “Even conservative governments adopt welfare methods and perpetuate them…the welfare state is a mentality secreted by social techniques [meant] to coalesce into one superbeing, institutions that express mankind’s unity on the international level…a common thought Bank will be established from which all will receive instructions.”[1] The process of decades accelerates like waters reaching the lip of a waterfall; soon, barring a remarkable rebuff, the grand synthesis sought by Dr. Sir Julian Huxley will arrive: under the suavely vacuous hypnotic sway of the fabricated messiah the social engineers will forge a “perfect society where the individual is powerless to impede the carrying out of collective decisions” emerging from “high authorities.” Among these decisions, “sterilization of the common schools [will be] deliberate and complete... Education as a conservative process will be destroyed and re-made, an inevitable preliminary to the foundation of a new world” in which socialist parties become obsolete “in proportion to the world’s becoming socialist.”[2] “Obama’s a socialist; he’s a socialist. The government has just nationalized the banks.” Top Democratic consultants can say this on prime time, though few do. Perhaps the collapse and “bailout” (acquisition) of the markets were part of what Wells meant when he appropriated Marx’s fuzzy idea about the State “dwindling away”: “the stock exchange, bank credit and all arts of loaning will certainly dwindle away as the World State establishes itself.” [3] In this light it is interesting to see a Marxist and anarchist invoke his property rights to duck reporters. [4] “Relativism” and the emerging narrative of self allow one to do this with a clear conscience, if that term is relevant in this age when education has become mainly “counseling and orientation.”[5] We are living through a vaporous “avalanche of purpose” from “a determined beginning [a] Revolution to evoke a liberal collectivized world.” [6] It is the antithesis of “liberal” and the purpose here is to emphasize how the parties move dialectically, like one odd animal to advance different stages and realms of the “Revolution” toward “collective decision-making.”[7] In this time, what is the distinctive work of Team Red and what is that of Team Blue? The collective may be small and exclusive but its decision-making is international. Reports on October 22 had a high-ranking Al Qaeda figure stating the foreign policies of an Obama administration would not be much different than that of McCain. Regarding matters overseas, his exaggeration may not be that great though differences in rhetoric and timing do have important consequences, at home and world wide. About that time, Senator Biden commented that “within six months” of an Obama presidency he would meet “a major international challenge, an engineered challenge.” Disturbing in its implications (has the menu of useful crises already been planned?), Biden’s comment also might pertain to a McCain administration. In this latter case the American response would be different and in most respects less bad, less patently dishonorable which is important; so is damage to founding principles and law. Al Qaeda, Obama, McCain and Biden: to explain further let us review the elephonkey. Last spring, CNN began showing in a corner of the screen during its programming a purple beast per ancient mythology. It consisted of the hinder parts and tail of a kicking donkey merged into the front half and head of an elephant with donkey ears. Can anyone say, “Independent Center Party” or, ‘name that politician?’ Call the cute but bizarre emblem an exercise in orientation and conditioning. Cute but bizarre is an apt if sad motto for our culture. Next to the emblem was a click-on for www.dividedwefail.org a gloom-mongering site that seeks to panic Americans into national “health insurance.” In recent weeks its ads have aired on television, now without the letters AARP which accompanied what seems to have been the test-run on CNN and appears clearly on the site, what one might call the home page for fusion. Of course there are many, and out of many, one, one big ‘O.’ The financial melt-down, to which ACORN and friends contributed greatly, is featured on the home page which also promotes the bail-out, the “economic stabilization act.” This fits the prescription of Wells in 1933 that to organize a world order there would have to be economic “collapse” and “famine” blamed on monetary inadaptability.”[8] Just as purple results from mixing blue and red, donkey and elephant, the elephonkey signifies the fusion of the two parties, their ideology and socialist approach to governance and social engineering: prompted by crisis real or contrived, massive exactions (taxation) is imposed by a central government and, after repeated laundering and dispersal through its innards, trickles out to regulation-laden industries in the health-insurance-Pharma-psychology-education cartel where counseling, disorientation and disorder converge. Since most Americans don’t like socialism and the cult of the State (fascism) to which it conduces, it was urgent that Senator McCain, to seem an alternative, an antithesis to the constructed thesis of “change” appoint someone like Sarah Palin to articulate anti-socialist talking points which, when put into law are essential in clinging to property, wealth, family and individuality itself. I hope Governor Palin is totally sincere in making these distinctions and that like “Joe-the-plumber” these essential views permeate the upper reaches of the GOP campaign.Taxation and redistribution are stealing, the antithesis of charity. Charity results from private property, individual work, wealth and generosity of spirit; that true liberalism is disappearing under the assault of “liberals” who are socialists and fascists by a corruption of speech and thought we’ve often discussed. “The revolt of the elites” is crushing liberality of spirit and the individual under the coercive collective whose psychological testing “restricts and mechanizes the response” of individuals, attacking at its roots the sense of responsibility” and the sense of being safe in a humane world.[9] The elite of the therapeutic State, these pirates and their ‘messiah of change’ have their own flag, a large red ball circled by a white ‘O’ on our field of blue: Change, fusion and confusion; “mere anarchy is loosed upon the world; the blood-dimmed tide is loosed…” The reported comment by the Al Qaeda official relates to the elephonkey, to the de facto fusing of our two political parties that still, for most Americans reflect two very different points of view. The major media repeat (and suggest) ceaselessly that there is only one ‘normal’ point of view, that of the donkey, deceitfully termed “liberal” even as it negates liberalism, and that any elephants who are not “rhinos” (Republicans in name only), that is socialist-globalists, are “right-wing extremists,” “fundamentalists,” ‘ultra-conservative gun-nuts,’ etc. Such people would like that the Constitution be the law of the land and that moral standards be more or less what they were in 1950 rather than 1975 much less 2008 when the very idea that there can be standards related to the Western tradition is considered ludicrous by ‘intellectuals’ exposed by Julien Benda (La Trahison des Clercs, 1927), Thomas Molnar, Christopher Lasch and many others. [10] These social engineers as personified by Bill Ayers, having conquered education, are poised to occupy the nation, suppressing the individual, and thus the soul in the name of their false collective. This is itself a crisis and crisis is their food, raw material for “change” (that is, control). Crises are used to sell changing the structures of governance and morals of a nation besieged. The Constitution provides very ably for our defense and bars the virtual kidnapping of children by schools but since it has become a “living” document, murdered by evolutionist judges, the elite collectivists called “liberals” live happily with two-edged swords like Presidential Security Directives, Homeland Security and an ill-defined “war on terror.” Crisis breeds lack of accountability and then autocracy. Financial crises are key prompts for emergency powers [supra]. We are enduring a coup by the elites with whom the ‘loyal opposition’ is comfortably in bed. The “educational and financial collapse” for which Wells hoped as prelude to imposing a universal and “Fundamental Knowledge System” has been underway since he wrote. Accompanying and selling it is the cult of personality and mindless consensus in which Bill O’Reilly, Oprah, Obama and Brittany Spears reign among many lesser lights in the con/fusion of Culturetainment.[11] Back to “issues:” if our leaders meant for us to war with and destroy jihad, this would have been won and done six years ago. To paraphrase an insightful comment by Senator Phil Gramm seven years ago, “I don’t want to change the way we live. I want to change the way they live.” Alas, it’s more the reverse that’s happened. A nasty aspect of jihad is that it is a crisis-starter. If you destroy it you do not need the security measures required to…maintain it. Funding and sanitizing known enemy-states and regimes powers a dialectic that furthers the fusion of the two parties and of the world powers into one national and then international blob, a purple haze of enforced homogeneity of thought, speech and taxation to support the beast which, being artificial and sterile cannot live on its own but only by consuming our lives. Thus the world tends to the heart of darkness that is postmodern academia, a nightmare of envy, Marxism, spite and cults peopled by “paper mache Mephistopheles”: “the horror!” Every time a ‘conservative’ utters the term “liberal” in reference to the Blue Team elites he strengthens the elephonkey, “a liberalism obsessed with the rights [sic] of women and minorities, with gay rights and unlimited abortion rights, with the alleged epidemic of child abuse and sexual harassment, with the need for regulations against free speech [with destroying] ‘dead white European males’ who have given our culture its humane value. This intimidating and mandated ideological assault is the treason and decline of the intellectuals, social engineering Communists committed to “expanding their jurisdiction” and to the death of the West.[12] [Order Dr. Eugene Narrett's books click here] In the one-two punch of the elephonkey, Team Red (note the shift of traditional elements into the color-mood of its negation, the reds) has the role of shattering accountability and discrete nationhood under color of national defense and patriotism; thus the crumbling of our borders under a Red administration. Americans remain a patriotic people who love their land and so waving the flag works as seen at ground zero. The role of Team Blue is to enflame gender, class and racial hate under color of “equity,” ‘affirmative’ and therapeutic “interventions” of varied kinds, the counterpart of the “humanitarian interventions” that became the new mission of NATO in spring 1999; Tony Blair, who announced this change being the patch between the Clinton-Bush administrations, the two ends of the elephonkey. Throughout, Blair has been point man for the Road Map to “peace… but there is no peace,” by design. The damage done by Team Blue is far more immediately damaging for it strikes at the roots of what makes us humane, a discreet and distinctly good nation. It strikes at marriage, the family, natural and divinely ordered identity and borders;at property, memory and the very concept and dignity of the individual. Our choices now may be, 1) to walk from the game and seek regeneration after collapse, and 2) buy time to fight an orderly retreat to a vantage from which we can reclaim what has been damaged, starting with the principle that the government is accountable to the citizens that select them, briefly, to represent them and that the smaller government is the better. Foreign lobbyists and lobbyists for foreign powers are as damaging as illegal aliens to accountability, sovereignty and sanity and human joy. The mind-numbing footprints of the elephonkey show us what needs repair in our polity, not least in the media and education. Closest to families, education is the area that calls most urgently for repair, liberation from the purple, agenda-driven unions that re-cycle the Psy-ops of ‘higher’ education: programming, counseling and ‘orientation.’ In their “Babel of criticism,” postmodern elites despise Western religion; this is “a distinguishing characteristic of the knowledge classes” whose “hostile caricature of religion as reactionary religious fundamentalism” surfaces in their candidate’s scornful rhetoric about those who “cling in bitterness to religion and guns.” [13]Knowing the enemy is the key to victory and freedom. Part of this knowledge is pointing out that the therapeutic State is permissive and “non-judgmental for some, punitively unforgiving for others; it is a regime of lawless law, a cult of Marxist and multi-cultural “re-education.” The other face of “therapeutic jargon” is the State’s fist crushing justice and all “sacred order.” As it stands, most people that go through an “education” program should be distanced from teaching. America must have new and independent schools. Teachers driven to the gulag are waiting and eager to return and rebuild this precious nation. Beware the elephonkey: it’s not cute: it’s serious, unnatural and imperial. Discerning its presence in the pastiche candidate, the hollow man, an epitome of postmodernism will help repeal the “progressive” delusions which on examination reveal them selves to be regression and tyranny. Footnotes: 1. Thomas Molnar, The Decline of the Intellectual (1961; Transaction Press 1994), 218-19, chapter 6, “from ideology to social engineering”; the lines in the epigraph comment on “the Darwinists, Huxleyans and social engineers who view man as an imperfect machine” and, “hence, society as a place of experimentation,” ibid. 213; the “common thought bank” propounded by Huxley and others is a type of the “World Brain” and its cadres promoted by Wells in The New World Order (1940) and The Shape of Things to Come (1933; Penguin 2005), Book II, chapter 2, “the sloughing of the educational tradition.” © 2008 Eugene Narrett - All Rights Reserved Eugene Narrett received his BA, MA and PhD from Columbia University in NYC. His writings on American politics and culture and on the Middle East and geopolitics have been widely published. These include four books, the most recent being WW III: the War on the Jews and the Rise of the World Security State (2007) which examines the historical roots and purposes of the war on terror as a late stage in the undoing of the West. His previous book, Israel and the Endtimes (2006) lays the basis for these questions. Dr. Narrett has appeared on scores of radio programs, both major networks like WABC, Radio America, Eagle Forum Radio and Westwood Communications, as well as regional and local stations. He has been honored for his essays on art and literature and on behalf of the pro-life movement. Since receiving his doctorate in 1978, Dr. Narrett has been teaching literature and art and creating interdisciplinary courses in the Humanities. He lectures on a variety of topics relating to western civilization, geopolitics and the multi-faceted war on the family that is a striking feature of the postmodern west. See his web site, www.israelendtimes.com for information on booking a lecture and for contact information. Website: IsraelEndTimes.com
October 26, 2008
2. Molnar op. cit. 219, 214, 206
3. Wells, 132-3; “a collectivist world will have to carry on its primary operations with a new world money, a specially contrived money…” and “money becomes strategic,” 72, cf. “Leaders call for new roles for world financial system,” Christopher Bodeen. AP October 25, 2008.
4. Dick Morris speaking on “Hannity and Colmes,” October 24, 2008. The attempted interview of Prof. William Ayers also was shown during this and the preceding hour. Ayers invoked his property rights and then summoned a police escort to protect him from the questions and microphone of a lone reporter.
5. Molnar, 220-1discussing “Psychology and Order in Society” by Prof. Lawrence K. Frank (Esprit 1959)
6. Wells, op. cit. 90; Wells wants “education working steadily for the collectivization of governments and economic life,” 86.
7. Molnar op cit. 221
8. Wells, The Shape of Things to Come, II 12 which describes American-European integration.
9. Molnar, 216, 220; cf. Christopher Lasch, The Revolt of the Elites (W.W. Norton, 1994) also speaks of the Education industry’s use of psychology to “crush imagination,” to degrade the dignity and culture that all men need whether they rise or not” (quoting R.H. Tawney), the soul-numbing, life-destroying use of “intelligence testing” that is key to “the growing influence of school at the expense of the family,” 41-2. Lasch notes, from his own perspective, the “selective elevation into the elites” and the displacement of achievement and honesty by “self-esteem,” driven by feminists like Gloria Steinem, 208-11 ff. “Low self-esteem is merely the latest form of social pathology commending itself to specialists in the cure of souls,’ he writes acerbically. But he erred in writing that “psychotherapy has failed as politics”: the Obama phenomenon is its MK triumph; nor, has it yet failed as a ‘replacement theology’ permissive and forgiving for some; punitive for others based on political considerations conducing to a world state of generic human resources, the less intelligent the more useful. Wells’ claims of a “liberal collective” are hollow in that this collective or “Brain” will be administered by an inner core of “five million correspondents” assisted by an outer group of “seventeen million active workers” constantly “increasing its cells,” a public ‘education’ that has become a ‘progressive’ (conditioning) rather than conservative (empowering) activity. The layers of this brain relate to the plans both of Rhodes-Milner and of Alice Bailey’s “world servers.”
10. See the collected issues of Academic Questions, the journal of the National Association of Scholars and The Intercollegiate Review, the journal of the Intercollegiate Studies Institute for ongoing discussions of regression to the primitive. Lasch’s The Culture of Narcissism (1979) also brings valuable insights.
11. A prime example of the confluence of the two wings of the party was Bill O’Reilly’s visit, to sell his autobiography, to that nexus of goddess rapture and mindlessness, the V iew, an epitome of feminist solipsism veiled in cattiness. The tone and structure of his appearance, helping promote that filth typifies the fusion of the media, the contrived dialectic whose parties argue while their manner converges in programming the sensate. He may yet co-write a play with Ms. V Eve Eisler. Wells, Shape of Things, Bk. II & Lasch, 214-23: For it is not that “men are becoming gods” in the “therapeutic regime” but that women have become ‘goddesses’ under the enforcement of speech codes, selective law, and media modeling. This is the result of the “new Hellenism,” of the primping, idolized self promoted by Oscar Wilde and Warhol.
12. Lasch, 210-11; only now, with the end at hand does the loyal opposition, typified by FOX occasionally use the terms “left” or “leftist” without explaining what this means. See my essay, “Corruption of Speech.” And poor Sarah Palin, part of Team Red, has been battered into a cartoon, a virtual person whose image reinforces the medium of the elites and its message of insincerity and emptiness.
13. Lasch, 215-22, passim; the dismissive comments about residents of Pennsylvania and ‘white’ people generally as “red necks, etc.” The Creator, “not culture [much less the State] “is the only appropriate object of unconditional reverence and wonder.”
Sunday, 26 October 2008
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