EU officials say no to unilateral steps on banks - UK Almunia said the reform, which would need backing from EU states and the European Parliament to become law, would look at the amount of the guarantee, ... See all stories on this topic | |||||
Europe shows limits in credit crisis response - UK ... requiring legal action against the Irish just as the EU is trying to persuade them to reverse their vote rejecting the Lisbon EU reform treaty. ... See all stories on this topic | |||||
Public to have more say with 1 million EU signature plan New EU directive pushes toward replaceable iPhone batteries Apple Insider - Herndon,VA,USA Introduced with RoHS, the EU's 2006 Battery Directive updated existing regulation from 1991. It primarily sought to prevent the unnecessary use of toxic ... See all stories on this topic
The introduction of such a system by the reform treaty would make it the first example of direct democracy between several different countries. ... See all stories on this topic | |||||
Lisbon Treaty: MEPs debate Irish rejection and way forward Parlamento Europeo - Belgium The EU must cooperate with the Irish government to address people's concerns and find a suitable way forward for institutional reform, said MEPs in a lively ... See all stories on this topic | |||||
CIS and Baltic press on Russia RIA Novosti - Moscow,Russia (Nashe Mneniye, September 26) The shaky prospects of extending the Russian-Ukrainian cooperation, friendship and partnership agreement (the Big Treaty) for ... See all stories on this topic | |||||
Ten years of European regional and local policy New Europe - Brussels,Belgium Furthermore, once the Treaty of Lisbon comes into force, Europe’s local and regional authorities will no longer need to call for further institutional ... See all stories on this topic |
Lisbon Treaty - Irish foreign minister set on ratification. By Daily Referendum(Daily Referendum) The EU must cooperate with the Irish government to address people's concerns and find a suitable way forward for institutional reform. So said MEPs in a lively Constitutional Affairs Committee debate with Irish Foreign Minister Michael ... Daily Referendum - |
Ireland 'needs time' for Lisbon solution Foreign minister blames “lack of information” for Ireland’s rejection of the EU’s reform treaty. European Voice - RSS - News & analysis - |
EU: Excessive government deficits Ie By Grahnlaw(Grahnlaw) For a more detailed view the reader can turn to the unsigned article ‘The Reform of the Stability and Growth Pact’ (European Central Bank, Monthly Bulletin August 2005, pages 59 ─ 73). ... Grahnlaw - |
Open Europe press summary: 6 October 2008 By David Ben-Ariel(David Ben-Ariel) The FT suggests that keeping the Commission at its current size is seen by many EU politicians and officials as a price that has to be paid in order to secure Irish approval of the Lisbon Treaty in a second referendum. ... United States of Europe - |
Joint Statement with the President of Ukraine By Shania The Prime Minister and President agreed on the importance of energy sector reform in Ukraine and looked forward to the start of negotiations on Ukraine’s accession to the Energy Community Treaty. They also highlighted the importance of ... - |