By Dr. Eugene Narrett
And as this racist, Jew-hating Road Map, the successor to Camp David-Oslo grinds along the borders and economies of the nations are collapsing, being taken down in a compulsive power trip by their oligarchies.
It is as if they were possessed and trying to teach the entire world that to attack Jews in Israel especially is to bring suffering and destruction upon the entire world. The various global collapses and crises, complete with the "emergence" of a New Age, fabricated messiah who hypnotizes masses with hollow rhetoric ought to be shouting out that those who harm Israel strike themselves and destroy their people.
They have demonstrated that indeed Hebron is the "Apple Orchard"; interdicting the blessings of the holy ones they lead the world into "bewildering chaos." These masters of chaos are teaching that their "War on the Jews" is inseparable with their insatiable lust for power.
Let people everywhere awake!
e narrett, WW III: the War on the Jews (2007)