Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Falling oil production 'is greater threat to Britain than terrorism'

The threat to Britain posed by declining oil production is greater than that of terrorism, an industry group has said.

An oil rig: Falling oil production is a greater threat to Britain than terrorism, according to an industry group
Britain could face an oil crisis within five years, says The Peak Oil Group Photo: EPA

The Peak Oil group warned in a report that the country could begin feeling the effects of a severe lack of oil within five years, as oil-producing countries will be forced to wind down production due to diminished reserves.

Jeremy Leggett, the chairman of the Peak Oil Group and the executive chairman of the alternative energy company Solarcentury, said there was still time for the Government to act to protect the country from the impact of reduced oil supplies by reducing the economy's dependence on the fuel.

Mr Leggett, who is a former oil company executive, said: "Society has become oil-dependent to its rivets. "What we are warning of is a peak in production beyond which will be a fall, potentially a rapid fall, and that will mean a global energy crisis if the analysis is correct."

He said that oil companies had deluded themselves and governments about their ability to continue producing at present levels in order to maximise short-term financial gain, comparing their behaviour to banks whose actions caused the global economic crisis.

"What we are arguing is that the oil industry and oil institutions have been irrationally exuberant about their ability to meet demand going forward, in much the same way that the financial institutions have been irrationally exuberant about their ability to manage complex financial instruments," Mr Leggett told BBC Radio 4's Today programme.

Mr Leggett, whose book Half Empty expands upon his vision of a looming international catastrophe due to an emptying of global oil reserves, said he was pessimistic that innovations in oil exploration, including the tapping of tar sands, could prevent disaster.

"When they fail to meet demand, many countries will experience this as an energy crisis. Some will experience it as an energy famine, as producers start to withhold exports," he said.

However, he said that if governments recognised the coming changes, there was still time for economies to be shaped around alternatives to oil. "This crisis is being anticipated," he said. "Let's do something about it, because we can."