Free Enterprise Did NOT Cause the Market Meltdown
The Great Depression didn't just happen, and it didn't start in 1929. It started with the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913. Prior to 1913, private bankers regularly pooled their resources to make money available to other banks and lenders who merited support. Bankers knew that bad loans were an unacceptable risk that could cost them all money, so they didn't do it. They were fiscally responsible. No tax dollars were involved or at risk........
by Tom DeWeese
Bush Embraces Obama’s Socialism
The irony is that the same socialist process begun by the Republican president, Bush, could be dramatically expanded under a Democratic President, Obama. This time, the “bailouts” and “rescues” will be global in nature and used to benefit the rest of the world, using U.S. tax......
by Cliff Kincaid
Teen Sleep Problems Lead to Depression & Drug Abuse
Sleep problems in children and teens have reached a crisis level in America. New science shows that these issues are setting the table for obesity, depression, drug abuse, and future cardiovascular disease. Specific biological pathways have now been defined that explain how sleep problems may lead directly to substance abuse.........
by Byron Richards
Arrogance of Presumed Power
However, at the same time team Obama may be measuring the drapes in the Oval office, Americans have increasingly seem to getting hip to the consequences of their early enthusiasms. Yes, there ARE consequences to the things we do and don’t do. When Obama warned “Don’t underestimate our ability to screw this up…” it may have been half way.......
by Geoff Metcalf
Tuesday, 28 October 2008
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Britannia Radio