Friday, 17 October 2008

Friday, 17th October 2008

The culture war for the White House


The ever cogent and civilised Oliver Kamm was a witness on BBC Radio Four’s Moral Maze last night, when the topic for discussion was whether we needed to change our society’s values in the light of the financial meltdown. On his blog, Oliver writes with characteristic generosity about my interrogation of him on that show. This follows his remarks in a previous post about my article in the Daily Mail last Monday on the US presidential election, and the question of whether Oliver is on my side over McCain v Obama or stands on the other with Christopher Hitchens

Both of these posts are in fact intimately connected by a single theme. Discussing my fears about an Obama presidency, Oliver writes that his preference would have been McCain as being sounder on foreign policy, but he has been...

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Wednesday, 15th October 2008

The third and final try


In the torrent of material about the American election pouring into my inbox, I read that in tonight’s latest ’make or break’ debate with Barack Obama John McCain will raise the issue of his opponent’s relationship with the unrepentant former Weather Underground terrorist William Ayers.

The heart sinks.

Raising it in isolation, if that is what he intends to do, would be counter-productive. It would sound like the tentative flailing of a loser trying desperately to land a low blow from his position on the ropes. If he simply raises Ayers rather than the anti-American ideology both he and Obama helped promote and fund, it would sound merely petty and nasty and could easily be deflected as ‘of no consequence’ or that Ayers is a respectable ‘education reformer’ or some such rubbish. No, what McCain has to do...

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Tuesday, 14th October 2008

Pinch yourself


The contrast between, on the one hand, the huge amount of material about Obama’s radical associations that has been published in on-line journals and in a few brave newspapers, and on the other the refusal by big media to address it and to vilify those who do, becomes more astounding by the day. The Obamaniacs are spinning the relationship between Obama and William Ayers, former of Weather Undergound Terrorism Inc, as of no consequence because this was supposedly a chance acquaintance and because the educational project they worked on, the Annenberg Challenge, was a worthy one.

Stanley Kurtz now nails that canard by showing how, through the Annenberg Challenge, Obama and Ayers channelled funds to extremist anti-American Afrocentric ‘educational’ programmes which were a carbon-copy of the world view of Pastor Jeremiah Wright, Obama’s black racist mentor who,...

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